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A New Champion

Please allow me to share a shameless brag: yesterday my girl Ella became CH Heartsong's A Cappella (Ch Windfall's Pipe Major x Hyspire's Major Attraction) at the "Woofstock" cluster show in Vallejo, going WB, BOW, and BOB under breeder judge Jo Fleming. This is my first "home-bred" Champion of my own... I am ecstatic!! She finished from all Bred-By classes (except for her first major in the 12-18 mo. class), with 4 majors. The poor judge--she got a little shook up from all the whooping and hollering around the ring! Thank you to all my buddies who were there to cheer us on! What a special day.

Re: A New Champion

Congratulations Nancy on Ella's CHAMPIONSHIP

Re: A New Champion


Re: A New Champion

You hoot an holler all you want, enjoy this time...congrats on a job well done!!!

Re: A New Champion

Congratulations Nancy!!! Ella looked fabulous and it was a well deserved win. Glad we were able to hoot and holler for you. A very special day indeed.


Re: A New Champion

Congratulations Nancy!!! There is nothing wrong with the excitement of your own first homegrown champion! Wishing you many more.

Congratulations Nancy! Ella is gorgeous and very deserving of ""whooping and hollering!"

Re: Congratulations Nancy! Ella is gorgeous and very deserving of ""whooping and hollering!"

Yes, Congratulations Nancy! What a thrill. I am still feeling that thrill after finishing my girl a couple of weekends ago, probably with the same crowd of supports as you. I wish I could have been there to see your girl finish and add to all the whooping and hollering. Ella is so pretty and I remember her as a young pup. She has come a long way and done such a wonderful job. Way to go girl. What a way to start your summer vacation. I hope to see you in the BOB ring at Sierra Vista this year with that pretty new Champion.

Re: Congratulations Nancy! Ella is gorgeous and very deserving of ""whooping and hollering!"

Oh Nancy - that is fantastic - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Wish I could have been there to see it.
Hugs - Valerie Jones - Bibsmom

Re: A New Champion

YAHOO for you and for Ella!! She's a gorgeous girl! Congratulations on your home-bred champion! That is AWESOME!!!

Re: A New Champion

Congratulations Nancy!

Re: A New Champion

Hi Nancy! There's nothing quite like one's first homebred Champion! We all feel your tremendous excitement!

CONGRATULATIONS to you and your girl!

Re: A New Champion

Congrats again Nancy. What a fun day to watch your beautiful girl Ella finish her championship. I can still feel the thrill of yesterday and your win.

Re: A New Champion

Congratulations Nancy and Ella! Ella is a gorgeous girl, I am so happy for you. It is so much fun to watch you win, your excitement is contagious! It was an honor to whoop and holler for you, we did shake up Jo a bit didn't we? LOL

Re: A New Champion

Congratulations Nancy and Ella! Very well deserved as Ella is a beautiful girl!

Best to you both,

Re: A New Champion

Congrats Nancy, on your first homebred Champion. There's no thrill like it in all of dogs.

Re: A New Champion

You sound so happy - your girl must be beautiful - so thanks for sharing with all of us!

Re: A New Champion

Congratulations! You must be thrilled.

Re: A New Champion

Many, many thanks you ALL of you! I am still reveling in the moment and the memory. Hugs to you gals who were whooping and hollering on the sidelines--you made that special time something to smile about forever. And a special thanks to Christine, Pat, and Helayne for coming back to support us in group (another FIRST for me!). I know you got a kick out of watching me fumble my way through that... LOL! And we made the cut even though I could not hand-stack Ella! I guess I'll have to teach her now...

Oh, and I think someone else needs to share some good news....

Re: A New Champion

Thanks Nancy for the lead in...........I am happy to announce that my Windrose Legacy of Blockbuster, aka the blunderbuster, finished his championship yesterday under Trudy Rose. It was an honor and I thank her.
Christine Tye went WB with her Bala and BOB with Paris. And Paris got a Group 4!! So.........what a day!
I thought you did a great job in group. Just push those professional handlers out of the way and stand at the front of the line!! You were wonderful.

Re: A New Champions

I had a wonderful time showing the last 4 days!!! Congratulations Again Nancy and Pat! Way to go! Nancy your girl is Very Beautiful!! Pat, I have been a cheerleader for Buster for years. Beautiful Beautiful Boy!!! Congratulations again!

Re: A New Champions

Terrific news Nancy and Pat!! Ella and Buster's Ch. are so well deserved - love them both and love you 2 as well - huge congrats!!!