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I'm a packrat and today(cleaning out a room) I ran across a box of AKC Gazzettes from the 80' this of any value to anyone anymore? I hate to just throw them out and add to a landfill, but I have no idea if anyone could use them for research or just collect stuff like this.I've been lugging this box around for over 20 years...time to get rid of some baggage.I kept them because of my Labs Ch and obedience titles, my ESS Ch, Brittany titles, all of which have long ago crossed the bridge...time to let the paper go, memories alive in my heart.Are the gazzettes useful to anyone?

Re: Packrat

Donate them to a raffle at a specialty. They would be a popular item!

Re: Packrat

Really? Someone would want them? Thanks! Great idea...I hate to just throw them away.

Re: Packrat

Will you be coming to Mid-Jersey in October? We will be running a "Garage Sale" to benefit epilepsy research and will be looking for that sort of thing.

Re: Packrat

Hey Joan
Sorry, I won't be at Mid Jersey in October but if these are of any value that's the kind if thing I would want them to go too.....for me it's decades of memories, for others, a useful tool.
Take care