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Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

OMG! I thought Day 2 was bad. Who would have thought Day 3 could be worse!

I woke up this morning before the alarm in Rock Springs, Wyoming. The day was beautiful with clear blue skies and a light breeze. I went out to the van to exercise, feed and water the dogs. As I opened the back van doors I got a whiff of major dog odor. I look inside and found nothing unusual. I then determined it wasn’t them … It was me! I had been so tired the night before after posting I failed to hop in the shower. Must have been when I passed out from exhaustion and my head fell on my keyboard!

As I started rotating dogs through our morning routine, Candy from the trailer park behind the hotel drove up asking if I had seen a big yellow Lab running around. She saw Drake and said, “He looks just like that one!” She then caught a glimpse of the Frenchies and hopped out of her car to say hi to them. In all of the excitement I think she forgot about her handicapped brother’s dog, Buddy. I told her I would keep an eye out for him and would walk him across the parking lot to her trailer if he showed up. In a flash she was gone!

As I continued with my routine, Candy showed up about 10 minutes later in her PT Cruiser with her two English Bulldogs. She had to show me them as they were the loves of her life. Did I fail to mention Candy was clad in gold and diamond rings and necklaces, in her lounging wear and her fuzzy pink and white slippers? We chatted about her $4,000 dogs for a bit. I asked if she had found Buddy, but she had not. I guess she was not too concerned as she had time to stop and visit!

Candy left again and I finished the dogs. I went back to the room to wake up Kim and the girls so we could get on the road. As we were packing up the cars, Kim came out to freshen up the cats. We were all done and hit the road 3 hours behind schedule at 10AM. There was no Starbucks in sight so we went to the local McD’s for one of their famous mochas (Fabian turned me on to these on the last trip!). Kim must have been more tired than I thought as when she came out of McDonald’s with a small mocha I had a crazed look on my face. I asked her in the last 20 years has she ever seen me (the caffeine junky) ever order a small coffee. I told her she must have been thinking of someone else! I was told a simple thank you would have been enough. Looks like it was going to be another long day!

We hit I80 East once again and cruised into Cheyenne later in the afternoon. It was time to stop and ex the dogs. Before I could park the van, that damn puppy sh*t and pee pee’d in her crate again! As I pulled her out of the crate I was sprayed with urine from head to toe as she wagged her tail upon the exit! I thought I was going to scream as once again I had that lovely dog pee smell about me!!! There I was in the Safeway parking lot spraying myself down with a water bottle and cleansing myself as best I could with paper towels. What else is a dog breeder to do?

We bought some drinks, more paper towel, windex and water and got everyone taken care of. We stopped for Baskin Robbins on the way out of town. I thought it would make me feel better and it did! Next stop was Lincoln, Nebraska as there was no way we were making it to Omaha after the morning’s chain of events.

By now it is 9PM and I decided to turn on the weather channel of my XM radio. The meteorologist reported thunderstorm warnings in the area that we were driving toward. I was not surprised given we were on the cusp of a lightning storm early on in Nebraska. What shocked me the most was the warning that tornados were touching down sporadically throughout the area. I guess I would have been a bit calmer with that news, but I had just finished a grande quad brevet latte from Starbucks not 15 minutes before the news. I immediately called Kim on the cell phone and told her we were stopping for the night. When I explained what I heard on the weather channel she agreed to stop too!

So here we are in Kearney, Nebraska after traveling hundreds of miles today. At least we are halfway through our journey!!! We are staying at a hotel with no wireless connectivity and one that I wouldn’t let my dogs sleep in! I guess it is better than getting picked up by a tornado and blown to Kansas as that would take me off course and really get me mad! So as soon as I find a connection, I will post the adventures of Day 3. I only hope Day 4 is a bit brighter as we head toward Chicago.

I guess I can look on the bright side … Now that I have had a major jolt of coffee I certainly have the time and the energy to take a shower and finally cleanse myself! I can also plot out tomorrow’s day with the new Atlas I bought at the local Pilot gas station. Lisa D got me hooked on them when we traveled back from LRCP together in April. I guess all is not lost as I can still keep myself amused… Until the coffee runs out that is!


Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Michael, I cracked up when I read your description of the puppy poop and pee incident!! So many times we have all been through that! Covered in urine from a wagging tail! Yuck

Are you traveling with a GPS? You know they do have options to point out every Starbucks in the vicinity!!!

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Michael - you will have to write a book about your journey! It's going from bad to worse, but I'm sure you'll look back and laugh - 20 years from now!

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

You need some chocolate covered expreso beans....

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Oh my what a journey you are on Michael, prayers that things will go better for the rest of the trip!

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Goodness sakes, maybe you could try putting a cone on her head and keep " Huggies " on your little puppy who surprises you with pee and poop on your stops during this trip...Seriously though, what a frustrating thing to deal with during such a long journey. You must have the patience of a saint, you and your wife !!
By the way, the poster who said, try Coffee Beans to eat for instant energy..those really are yummy and will boost your energy. The Beans might cause you to be up during the night typing a very long winded blog of your journey to NJ but that's ok, we love reading about it !!

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

This is so hysterical! The only thing worse is someone in the backseat asking, " are we there yet?" !

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Are you sure this was worth it? Jersey taxes, insurance, jug handles, insane drivers, The New Jersey Housewives, go check that out on HBO. I think New York would have been a better choice. Have a Blessed Day.

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???


I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU! I jumped (well sort of)out of Bed, fed the dogs in a hurry, and made my coffee, and sat down for my morning laugh and you weren't there. I'm glad things are all right.

At my age you are allowed to worry.

On another note, how are the kids handling the trip?

Sounds like you are going to miss the party, or does it last until you arrive, so they can help you unpack?

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

LOL Michael... I read your entry aloud to Stephen this morning... sorry if we're laughing at your expense, but oh, dude.. too funny! We are right there with ya! Hugs to you and Kim!

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Gail R

I WAS WORRIED ABOUT YOU! I jumped (well sort of)out of Bed, fed the dogs in a hurry, and made my coffee, and sat down for my morning laugh and you weren't there. I'm glad things are all right.

At my age you are allowed to worry.

On another note, how are the kids handling the trip?

Sounds like you are going to miss the party, or does it last until you arrive, so they can help you unpack?

Mikie & family missed the party but no worries, his friends are having a blast. The burgers and hot dogs are on the grill now.

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Thanks for sharing your trip, Michael.

Hope you arrive here on the Right Coast safely.

And, what is a quad brevet latte, btw??

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Of COURSE you had to come close to a tornado! You are headed for Oz, aren't you?
Hope tomorrow's trip is a little easier!


Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

OK, So now I know why you weren't at the party at your house!! The pool was like a giant hot tub, we turned on the heater!!
I'm thinking you should have gotten some advice from Vonnie, Judy and Lisa, they have made the trek many times to Potomac in less time than you!!
Safe travels!

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

OK, Waldo! I am totally loving reading your adventures but must be sure bladder is empty and no beverage is in my mouth so as not to spew it all over my computer screen again! are too funny.

I'm sure you've burned up that Starbucks card!

Re: Day 3 - Where's Waldo???

Traveling due east,
The gnome-napper is driving.
And despite the protestations,
Conspiracy theories are thriving.

The folken are all waiting
For our dear Daddy Gnomes’s release by his jailor.
Or is Big Daddy still hidden away
In some over-packed travel trailer?

His journey unfolds throughout the long week
As the road rumbles beneath the rented U-Haul,
Guzzling endless quantities of high test Starbucks
Lest his caffeine levels should fall.

Hagas and Knut have already met them
And played pranks along the way.
Rain, wind, a tornado or two….
All aimed to enliven his day.

The gnomes will regroup to meet him,
The entire clan of gnome folk.
There’s more devilment to raise
And always one more joke.

Be prepared for new adventures
Whether in silence or noisy,
‘Cuz there’s no rest for the weary
At Springdell Farm in New “Joisey”.