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I'm wondering if anyone out there would let someone take pick bitch of litter for free & ask to have 2 pupppies back for free out of one maybe two litters. This way I can make my money back by selling the pups to pet homes. No flames please just asking.

Re: breeding

Are you the stud dog owner, co-owner or what?

Re: breeding

bitch owner

Re: breeding

I think what you are saying is that you will allow a bitch puppy from your current litter to go to someone who wants to breed for free. In return you are asking for two puppies back from her. Is this correct? This sounds like a good deal for both parties PROVIDED that everything goes as planned. You have to be prepared for the "what ifs" as in what if the puppy you give her turns out butt ugly? What if she fails a health clearance? What if she is bred and only has two puppies and has problems and thus has to be spayed? What if she only has a small first litter and you take one puppy and the owner then decides she doesn't want to do it again?

Bottom line is you need to know that you stand a good chance of not getting the puppies back and thus you are out the money for the puppy.

Re: breeding

Sorry, but I do not feel breeding a litter that will improve the breed should ever be about "making my money back". JMO

Re: breeding

I just did this last fall with someone I knew. Not a long time friend but one of the Techs at my vets.
She lost her Lab recently (very old and they tried everything they could).
I knew she didn't have the money for a puppy but wanted a well bred Lab she could do some obedience and therapy work with.
I gave her my pick bitch at no cost.
If the pup doesn't work out for me to breed once, she's got a free pet and I didn't have to raise a dog and then place it later. If it does, I will take her back for one litter, at my cost and hope to get something to keep and move forward with.
She's got a lot of hurdles to get over before that ever happens (clearances, I have to actually LIKE her, etc.) so it's a win, win in my book.
Money isn't everything and even if things went sour, I was prepared that was a possibility from start.
For now, all is well and she is a much loved part of a family no matter what happens.

Re: breeding


Re: breeding

I know of several people who feel they are at their limit of dogs (5-6), but had several nice prospects that were worthy of running on. The bitches were placed with local co-owners and came back to the breeder @ 2 years of age for one or two litters once they passed all clearances. The breeder also showed the dogs to their CH's before they were 2.

It worked out well for both parties. The pet owners felt a real sense of pride in their dogs being part of the breeding program and the breeder felt good about that fact that their babies were being "babied" and having all the love and attention they deserved.

I am not saying it's easy and perfect, but it seems to be one of the best possible solutions to better the breed by breeding the best of the best and having them live as pets their whole life.

Re: breeding

Just make sure you are either entering this with someone you can fully trust, or put every detail and option in writing so you don't get burned later.

Re: breeding

Sorry, but all that caught my eye in that question was "make my money back". I would think if you let them have a puppy, you get a puppy back. You are both taking chances it will work in the long run. If it does a big plus for both of you. A free dog is still expensive, shots, all the clearances, training and shows. Guess, it depends on how well known your dogs, you and the kennel are. But mostly what the two of you agree upon.