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Dog's not "contending" at the shows

I was wondering what the rules are for having a Lab that is not entered at the dog show to be at the show as a spectator. I am training my lab to be a therapy dog and I want to expose him to more than the dogs at pet smart. Thoughts?

Re: Dog's not "contending" at the shows

If you had other dogs with you that are actually entered, it's done all the time to get them used to shows.
If you don't, it's frowned upon.

match, CGC, etc. Re: Dog's not "contending" at the shows

Another way to socialize the dog is to go to match shows and practice basic obedience, CGC tests, or rally OR go to point shows and trials that have CGC (Canine Good Citizen) tests for otherwise unentered dogs. A CGC test is usually less than half the price of a dog show entry. A match show is even less. Some match shows have fun classes or games, particularly specialty matches. The CGC test is the first step towards his Therapy Dog certification, and it can be repeated at other events. Learn Rally along with the dog's basic obedience. Every entry helps support the club holding the event, and you will also get some experience for both you and your dog in a fun environment. If you go to "correction" match shows in obedience, you may be able to keep your dog on lead if not ready for off lead work. Good for you both for your aspirations and for asking! While you are at it, volunteer to help work at the matches or tests as you gain experience. It is good for dog to learn to be crated quietly at such an even while you work. If you are up to long walks, you two can also go on fund raising "dog walks" for local charities or rescues. If pup is still too young to exhibit, enter even a breed match FEO (for exhibition only) or attend breed handling classes so that dog gets used to being handled all over. Isn't there a dog training club where you live? They may have lots of ideas for you!

match, CGC, etc. Re: Dog's not "contending" at the shows

TECHNICALLY, it's not allowed, but I imagine if you are smart about it and are just getting the dog used to sights and sounds, no one would be the wiser. I spoke to someone once who thought it would be a great experience for her dog to get to meet tons of other dogs. Had to explain THAT is frowned upon.

Re: Dog's not "contending" at the shows

Ask if the firemen will let him visit the firehouse...It's a GREAT place for socializing & getting used to noises and hustle & bustle.

Re: Dog's not "contending" at the shows

Thank you, those are all excellent suggestions. He has taken his basic obedience class and we are taking a CGC class in August. My job lets me take him there sometimes and the home depot by me allows dogs to go in, although I seem to be the only person that knows that I take him to the dog park, but it's all crazy there. I will look into the match shows. He is so mellow, I know he will do fine but a little exposure never hurts. Thanks again!

Re: Dog's not "contending" at the shows

If you are bringing a lab to a lab specialty, it is very unlikely that you will be noticed. All breed shows can be different. One thing - don't ever have your dog on a prong collar. The idea is to look like you fit in. That would mean a light lead and a light weight choke, all of which your dog should be fine with if he is well trained. Bring a chair etc. Don't let your dog make a pest out of himself and probably nobody will notice the two of you.

Re: Dog's not "contending" at the shows

Find a nearby Outlet Mall and walk around. Find the nearest little league game fields and go there. Or find a farmers market. All of these are great socialization opportunities for a dog. Good luck and have fun.