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Types of coats for labs

I am wondering if there is a way I can find out some info on types of coats for labs. I swear my black lab that I have papers on...does not have typicaly lab fur. He has almost Wiemarmer fur...but more waterproof. Just wondering...


Re: Types of coats for labs

??? I don't understand the questions.

Re: Types of coats for labs

Did you read the standard to get an idea of the Labrador coat?

"The coat is a distinctive feature of the Labrador Retriever. It should be short, straight and very dense, giving a fairly hard feeling to the hand. The Labrador should have a soft, weather-resistant undercoat that provides protection from water, cold and all types of ground cover. A slight wave down the back is permissible. Woolly coats, soft silky coats, and sparse slick coats are not typical of the breed, and should be severely penalized (in the conformation ring)"

FYI "papers" mean nothing

Re: Types of coats for labs

He does not have the undercoat and he is very wirey.
He is also the best dog ever. I just always see different sizes and shapes of labs and have never come across this type of coat.
Thanks for your reply

Re: Types of coats for labs

Yes and that is the #1 problem with our breed. There are too many variations. People don't know which is correct!

Re: Types of coats for labs

Does this mean he is a lab?

Re: Types of coats for labs

yes, he's a lab, but with an incorrect coat. This is the type of coat that breeders should try not to continue producing. unfortunately, many times faults such as incorrect coats, etc. appear when folks don't pay attention to standard when they make breeding decisions.

Re: Types of coats for labs

Does this mean he is a lab?

you could easily have been DNA tested if you question his ancestry, unfortunately there are some shady breeders out there that do falsify who the sire and dam are of litters. But if he is your wonderful companion... does it really matter if he is 100% Labrador

Re: Types of coats for labs

Absolutely not:)
This came up in because I have such a hard time getting his Advintix to absorb.... his coat is so oily
I did so much research before I got him. Maybe I should have research the breeder better. They were listed on the AKC site.

Thanks for your replies....