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We're Home!!! - The final day!

Good Morning from New Jersey!

Our final day was uneventful, but full of family fun and quality time. We stopped a few places along our final leg from Indiana to New Jersey. We left close to 9AM and arrived this morning, June 9th at around 2:30AM.

I unpacked the van so I could get to the dogs much easier. It took some time, but it was well worth it. I had been squeezing myself down a narrow 10” path to get to two of the dogs. My back is killing me as I ate my way through the states and it was getting harder and harder to squeeze my fat _ss in between all of those boxes!

When I was finally able to get to the dogs, the sun was coming up. What a glorious site to see the dogs run free and jump in the pond for a quick swim. It makes the drive well worth it to see them so happy.

In addition, to the dogs being happy, our daughter Brynne stayed up the entire morning and enjoyed the sunrise with us. She is so excited she is wired for sound! Kim had tears of joy in her eyes as she walked around the house and property. Again – all worth the drive! Alyssa, on the other hand, was true to form and crawled into bed as soon as she got here. We won’t see her until late afternoon I am sure of it. Me, I had my glass of wine and am now headed for a shower and a quick snooze! There is a lot to do when I wake up...

I appreciate all of your good thoughts and prayers for us as we made it safely across this wonderful country of ours. It kept me going to write to you and to read your responses. I am so glad you enjoyed it. As this is my last trek across the US of A I will gladly pass the gauntlet to one of you. Brucie perhaps!?!?!

In closing, I would like to thank my good bud, Ron Kelly, for making sure our van was fit to make the journey... Again! She performed beautifully in some very rough conditions!!! I would also like to thank those of you who called along the way... You know who you are! It meant a lot to us!!!

Best to you all ~
Michael, Kim, Alyssa & Brynne
The newest East coast family!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Welcome home!

Thank you for sharing your adventure with us all, I have enjoyed reading it!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Welcome home! Now the fun begins!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Would someone PLEASE send Michael a membership application for LRCP?? Now we can put him to work...hehehehe...

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Woohoo!!! All's well that end's well!!! Get some sleep, unpack for the next 3 months, and enjoy that fabulous new farm!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Michael and family...I so enjoyed the blog of your journey. It was like being there with you all. I hope one day to have the pleasure of meeting you. Enjoy your new lovely farm and stop to smell the roses now that the journey has just begun!!!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Michael and family. I am happy for you that you are at your new home and sad for the rest of us that we are at the end of a great story. It's like reading a good book; you can hardly wait to hear what happens and when you are finished you wonder what you are going to do now. Good luck in your new Home.

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Congratulations on your safe arrival. No "good" journey is complete without it's own story, and the Silva's definitely have one!
Looking forward to seeing you in the ring this fall!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Glad you made it home safely! Will be seeing you soon I'm sure!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Michael, Kim & girls,

Welcome to the East! So glad you made it well as the written story, this would have made a priceless video documentary!
Here's hoping you have many, many years of blessings in your new life at Spring Dell Farm!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Glad you made the trip, safe and sound. You must have been drinking a lot of Starbucks. That's some trip. I have a hard time going to Potomac, six hours away, with two dogs.

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Welcome to your new home. I enjoyed reading about your trip!! When can we all come and stay with you??

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Congratulations! you made it in record time, and the best of all safe and sound you, your family and the dogs. Wishing you the best in your new house, enjoy it.

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

So glad to hear you guys made it safe and sound, Michael! Now that you're home, please don't stop writing accounts of your adventures... keeping a journal is a healthy thing to do, and entertaining for all of us. Incidentally, my niece and nephew and their respective spouses are all in New Jersey for the summer! Maybe you guys will cross paths... NJ is about as big as my COUNTY, I think!

All our best,

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

But soooo many more people here in NJ... and we're glad to have four more. Welcome Silva family.

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

To the Silva family! I rarely read so rarely post on the Forum, but I did keep an eye out on this thread, and want to add that I wish you Michael, and your whole family, the best in your home with only wonderful times in this new surroundings!
Happy you arrived safe and sound!!! xx

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Welcome home! I so enjoyed reading your post, I had to search for your departure!

(ps. did I miss WHY you decided to change coasts?)

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Glad you made it safe and sound. Welcome to New the bugs...humidity.....taxes and all the fresh veggies you can eat!!!

This is strawberry picking time so get your baskets ready!!!!

Michael I am only a stone's throw away and have plenty of room if you need help. Just call. Hope to see you soon. BTW out here there are no Starbucks!!! Only Penaras'. Of course you could always switch to goats milk!!!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Welcome home Silva family! Thank you for sharing your adventure with all of us. I am familiar with the long road/moving trips having moved several times while hubby was active duty Army - though I have to say some of your more funny moments sounded like a "I Love Lucy" episode.

Enjoy your new home and one another! See you at the shows.


Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

So very glad you made it to your new home Michael, hope things are smooth sailing for you from here on out!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Glad you made it - hope the house was cleaned up for you, we had a blast this past weekend! LOL
Not to fear. I just saw there are 200 Starbucks locations in NJ, so you won't have to have withdrawals.

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Sounds wonderful and glad that you made it to your new home safely! Sounds wonderful and wishing you all and the dogs the best in your new home!!! Enjoy and rest

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

To steal a line from Ty.
Welcome Home, Silva Family, Welcome Home!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!


Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Michael, I am glad to know you all arrived safely in New Jersey. I am one of many who have been checking first thing in the morning all week to see if you posted an update. I also worried when there wasn't any news until later on in the morning.
Welcome to the East Coast, Michael! I am happy you and your family and dogs, and cats, arrived safely!
And I am really looking forward to your blogs on cold, wintry, icy, snowy days!!!!!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Don't forget that wonderful Jersey corn in August! And Asbury Park,the Jersey shore! I know how much you will enjoy your new farm, it's a beautiful home and piece of property. Casey wants to know if the **wink wink** raccoon is still there!!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

It is safe to say the best tomatos in the country are from New Jersey and that alone is worth living there for! Welcome to the East Coast!!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Welcome home to the entire Silva clan!!! So glad everyone made it safe and sound!!!

Re: We're Home!!! - The final day!

Congratulations on completing your fantastic journey safe & sound, Michael!