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Ohio Breeder Bill SB 95

Re: Ohio Breeder Bill SB 95

Please, please folks-Help is needed to defeat this bill.
If you live in Ohio, get involved or your dogs and you will suffer if it passes. If you don't believe me, just read the darn thing! Scary!!!!!!!!
Even if you do not live in Ohio, please contact folks and tell the Ohio officials that you will not move to Ohio, will not attend shows in Ohio, will not vote them back into office if you do move to Ohio,etc. Just Help in some way. Do not let the AR folks win!
Thanks in advance!

Re: Ohio Breeder Bill SB 95

Yep - we're still fighting in Illinois. There are 3 clubs in Ohio - Northern Ohio, Central Ohio, and Miami Valley - there should plenty of Lab breeders there capable of making a stink and fighting for their rights (and ours!).

Good luck - I'll be sending letters from here!

Re: Ohio Breeder Bill SB 95

There is another club in Ohio too.
The Lake Erie Labrador retriever Club.
Hope that all of the clubs got the word out to their members.
AR people do not give up, neither should we!