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OFA Hip question on girl????

I have a female turned two in April;her last heat was in January...took her in for her OFA finals but didn't look as good as we had hoped; looked as though it could go either fair or borderline. Comes from strong OFA good and Excellent in four generations. Mom Good Dad Excellent...sibilings passing too. When got back from taking her x-rays while rubbing her belly I noticed her bags felt a little saggy...also there is colostrum in them and still is now. How long before this goes away or should it already be gone???? So I didn't submit the set that was taken. I know not to express them and our local vet a few weeks later put her on atibiotics for hormonal issues plus she was running a fever. He felt she may have had a false pregnancy. Now with my question how long should I wait after taking the meds to get her x-rays redone or how will I know she is over this to take her back?
TIA for all answers

Re: OFA Hip question on girl????

Why the antibiotic? The meds should have nothing to do with the radiographs, it's the hormone changes that can potentially cause the subluxation. Although that one has been debated here before with differing views. You might want to check on the previous threads to help you out.

Re: OFA Hip question on girl????

Heat was in Jan. x-rays done in April, meds given at the end of April...would this be false pregnancy? Meds were not for the x-ray reason. The meds were for some other things she had going on (hormonal) and that she was running a fever. You are correct in saying the meds have nothing to do with the x-rays and they didn't; I never said they did and yes I knew the subluxation would be due to the hormones. I am not familiar with false pregnancies besides what I have read on the internet.
I guess my question should have read how long would anyone suggest to wait to have them redone after the false pregnancy(if this is what she had)? And do I check to see if they are dried up first. Some say three months some say six. I am not debating whether to redo the x-rays, just wanting anyones thoughts or experience on how long to wait. Has anyone had there girl go through this, like this? With her heat being in January and being put on med at the end of April would this be fasle pregnancy? This seems a little long.

Re: OFA Hip question on girl????

In the search engine type in Subluxation and you will find alot of answers. Hope this helps.

Re: OFA Hip question on girl????

Thanks for the was helpful Still looking for anyone with previous similar experience also.

Re: OFA Hip question on girl????

If she is really what you want to breed, then maybe try an orth. vet and do OFA and PennHip to get a different perspective. How good is the vet you used? I don't think the questionable false pregnancy has anything to do with it.

Re: OFA Hip question on girl????

I would think Jan till April would not bring in a hormone issue at all. If you trust the vet listen to what he said, if not take her and get another x-ray and opinion. Thats not like she was a month out from her heat.

Re: OFA Hip question on girl????

The only way to get the best films is to put her under and to use a cradle. Did they do both?

I would use PennHip and OFA to make the decision.

Re: OFA Hip question on girl????

Are you saying that she was lactating (producing milk) when the films were taken as well as now? Penn Hip disagrees with Dr. Keller of OFA about hormonal changes in estrus increasing laxity. The PennHIP and repro vet I use says that pregnancy and LACTATION loosens ligaments. This is backed up on the PennHIP site in Owner and Breeder Information:

"hormones released during the birthing process (relaxin) and during lactation (prolactin) however, can increase hip laxity
and hip evaluation at this time is therefore not recommended.
PennHIP recommends waiting 8 weeks post lactation or 16 weeks post welping (sic), before a PennHIP evaluation."

In a nutshell, yes, films could be off due to lactation. Wait until 8 weeks after lactation stops. I don't know the answer to her prolonged false pregnancy evidenced by having milk for so long--that is for the repro vets to answer. This might be one to PennHIP as well as OFA to clarify your decisions--ask for an extra plate to submit to OFA if not digital X-ray before they do the films. Just not when she has milk or for 2 months after milk. I wouldn't really want to put her under anesthesia while in season either, but that is my carefulness. I don't want to stress a stressed system more than I have to do.