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Whelping Box

Fairly new to labs.. expecting first litter in July..
anyone have whelping box plans/building specs they'd care to share?

Re: Whelping Box

In order of my preference

Dura Whelp
Baby Pool with corrogated tubing ring for pig rail

Re: Whelping Box

Post your email address, I can send you some info.

Re: Whelping Box

no time to build
In order of my preference

Dura Whelp
Baby Pool with corrogated tubing ring for pig rail

Pig rail in the baby pool is important. I'm surprised at how many litters remain in a baby pool without having it. Pig rails can save the pups lives. Make sure the height is correct for any whelping box.

Re: Whelping Box

My hubby built me an awesome box 4ft X 4ft by 3 ft high, one side is cut horizontally in half with the top being a hinge door. Insides are covered with formica. Removable pig rail is PVC piping. It is super easy to clean and has plenty of room. "Feet" of PVC on PVC piping keeps rug or blanket over newspaper in place. Drawback is it is heavy.

Re: Whelping Box

no time to build
In order of my preference

Dura Whelp
Baby Pool with corrogated tubing ring for pig rail

How do you make a pig rail for a baby pool?
Have you ever tried EZ Whelp box, similar to Dura Whelp.

Whelping Box

I would also like to know how you put railing in a round pool. Please send information. Thank you!
My email address is attached

Re: Whelping Box

Just bumping this up.

Looking for instructions for adding pig rails to a kiddie pool and reviews on the EZ Whelp whelping box.

Re: Whelping Box

Just bumping this up.

Looking for instructions for adding pig rails to a kiddie pool and reviews on the EZ Whelp whelping box.

I've used a home made wooden box and the DuraWhelp. For the price, the DuraWhelp is wonderful, lightweight & easy to clean-breakdown & box after. I've never seen the EzWhelp, Jonart is nice, pricey & heavy. I would imagine attaching pigrails to a round pool is difficult. I've never seen a pool with pigrails in 20 years. I use them after pups are up on their footies or outdoors.

Re: Whelping Box

The Ez Whelp is about the same price as the Dura Whelp. $204.99 (19.75 s/h) (Large Size with Pig Rails) or $233.99 (19.75 s/h) with the extension. That's a good price. I think the Large DuraWhelp is $229.00 plus shipping, what I paid for my last box. Prior one went through 11 litters, I face to face the 2 later. for a potty area. The sell an extension like the box without pigrails. The older 1 is still going strong.

I don't know anyone that has used Ez Whelp but it looks nice on the website.

Re: Whelping Box

You know it could be done- drill a hole large enough for each end of a big fat dowel in the sides of the pool- if you did this for 4 poles, your area would be square, but you could do this for 5 poles and get more usable area. When you were done with the pig rails, you couldn't use the pool for anything else though because of the holes.

Re: Whelping Box

The thing is, you don't need a pig rail with the inexpensive round baby pool. Because it is one piece moulded plastic, there are no corners. The puppies simply slide out or up and do not get stuck. Been doing this for many, many years and have seen the puppies side right out from behind the mom.