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Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Has anybody heard anything about Ox's mishap? Concerned, in regards to attendance to dog shows...

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Ok no but now you have to share what you're talking about! Please?
I hope he is okay, he's a nice boy!

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Luann lost Ox a few weeks ago. His passing was posted on this forum.

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Oh I am so sorry!!!
I don't get on this forum much lately so I missed it.
Godspeed Ox....

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Since you called it a mishap, I am wondering what happened? Wasn't Ox only around 9?
Was there an accident?
Not trying to be nosey but just concerned as from your post it sounded dog show related???

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Heard he passed away unexpected and somehow it was related to a dog show...
Was curious as he was such a nice dog, and only 9. Veterans?? I don't know, you know how rumors have it.
Hoped somebody knew what happened to him.

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Wow. I sure hope someone posts. It's really scary to imagine what in the world could have happened that involved a dog show. If there is something we need to aware of or more careful about, I hope someone will speak up!!

Heard he passed away unexpected and somehow it was related to a dog show...
Was curious as he was such a nice dog, and only 9. Veterans?? I don't know, you know how rumors have it.
Hoped somebody knew what happened to him.

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

No, it wasn't a dog show. Nothing like that.

Why don't you email Luann instead of thrashing back and forth on here?

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Ox had cancer and it didn't have anything to do w/ a dog show.
WHY do people post $#!t that isn't true on here?

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)


Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

You don't know me, definately not a "thrasher" whatever that is. I don't know the people that owned him, just know I am sorry for the loss and thought somebody might know if he got something at a dog show. I show a couple of dogs and like to be aware of dangers. Relax

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)


It was the way you asked your question that got people stirred up. You said "mishap".

I dont think dogs passing away is a mishap - its more like a loss.

Contact Ox's owners for the actual information instead of starting assumptions with people.

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

ok, let me speak more "clearly" so the touchy people on this forum do not over react.
I have a friend that is getting one of his offspring.
She heard he had died and it was somehow related to a dog show germ or something. Of course she could have asked the owner but did not want to get her upset by talking about it. So, she thought I may be interested since I go to dog shows. I thought some nice person on the forum could verify whether or not is was a dog show "ger,". SO SORRY! Did not mean for it to turn into an issue and bashing of my verbage. Loss of a dog is the worst! Did not mean to upset anyone. Just wanted to protect my own dogs if I could! My bad, end of discussion

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

You're being nosey and disrespectful, nothing more to it. If your friend has concerns, they should talk to the breeder of the puppy they're getting.

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

I was concerned about the rumor of a dog show germ. You are anonymous (says a lot) I am Claudia Rosen and if you knew me, you would not say these mean things. I am just not like that. I am sorry for offending you. Was not my intention.

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

Claudia Rosen, Ignore the jerks on here. They are plentiful and not worth your time...

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

LuAnn sent out a message to friends after Ox died. I will not post that on the list, as it's not my place. But suffice it to say - it wasn't a dog show germ.

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)


Of course she could have asked the owner but did not want to get her upset by talking about it.
Although this post appears to have been prompted by an honest attempt to spare his owner, please consider that publishing a rumor on a public forum, where the owner is likely to be one of the scores of readers, can be a thousand times more distressing than a private inquiry.

Re: Iron Ox (Cressmoor)

This is a topic that hits close to home for me personally. I know it is different but we lost our baby at 10 weeks of age two years ago. Because we live in a fairly small town word spread fast. We were blessed by the outpouring of love and support we received initially but over time we have been hurt because of people "wondering what happened". Our baby died in of SIDS BUT people are afraid to talk to us about it. We know they are trying to save our feelings and maybe they feel like it is disrespectful to bring it up. But what has happened is we've been much more hurt by the 'questions' and watching how people tiptoe around and whisper to one another in our presence rather than just talk to us. It is a terrible feeling.

I absolutely think the original poster meant no harm. But sometimes it is more hurtful than helpful to 'wonder' (which creates rumors like it or not) than to just talk to the people that know the truth (in this case Luann). I wish I had the answers but I think sometimes just treating others how we'd like to be treated is the answer.

Just my two cents.