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Going to first CERF-- what should I expect

I will be taking my first dog to a CERF clinic soon, is there anything that I should know and expect?

Re: Going to first CERF-- what should I expect

Have copies of your dog's papers and his/her microchip number. They will dilate eyes, wait about 15 monutes, and do a brief exam. It's a really simple procedure. The worst part of the whole thing is holding your breath until the doctor tells you how things look. LOL Hope everything looks just fine for you.

Re: Going to first CERF-- what should I expect

Did the pup have an ACVO exam at 8 weeks? If so, bring that also.

A CERF only becomes that when you send in the paperwork. If you don't, it's just an ACVO exam not to be called CERF until you have a CERF form returned. You can then have it added to the OFA site. ACVO exams are not on OFA.

Re: Going to first CERF-- what should I expect

No the pup hasn't had the exam before. Is it too late to have an ACVO exam done ( I was just calling it a CERF because it's called a CERF clinic ) Is there additional paper work that I should request or is it normally provided?

Re: Going to first CERF-- what should I expect

At the CERF clinic, you ARE having an ACVO exam done.

What the first person wrote is dead on. On the form that the doctor fills out, you get a copy, and on the back you fill out all the blanks and send that and your $12 to CERF. They'll send you the certificate and list it in their database. I believe they automatically send it to OFFA because it showed up for my dogs. You'll pay $8 each year afterwards to reregister your results.

Re: Going to first CERF-- what should I expect

Just a note to the's a good idea to keep your dog out of bright light for several hours after the CERF exam. Because the eyes have been dilated the eyes become temporarily light sensitive.

Re: Going to first CERF-- what should I expect

Thank You Very Much for all of the helpful replies. I feel better knowing what to expect.