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Diamond food

Does Diamond has a breeders program? TIA

Re: Diamond food

I am now switching my dogs to the Diamonds Naturals food. I called Diamond and was told that they did not have any breeders or high volume feeders program. I am buying at Tractors Supply and was told that they can give a discount if you buy by the pallet(way too much food for me). I am sure there are some retailers that offer a free bag after you purchase so many.

Re: Diamond food

They have a Pro line that is a buy six get one program.

Re: Diamond food

I pay $25 for a 40 lb bag of Diamond Natural.
so much better than the $40 for a 35 lb bag form Proplan

dont even miss the breeder club coupons.
might miss the puppy packets but they lost me due to poor decisions.

Re: Diamond food

I buy Diamonds Natural chicken and rice from a local feed mill that sells mostly horse feed. They give me a discount when I order 5 bags or more at a time.

Re: Diamond food

What is the Pro Line and how do you find or get it? I haven't seen that or heard of it before now.

It is the same formula or different? I know we tried Royal Canins Pro Line for breeders and wasn't pleased with the results at all. They really changed the formula for the Pro Line.

Re: Diamond food

The Pro line is a formula that they sell as a house brand. It's in a no frills bag, but is realy nice food. They usually only offer it to one independant store in an area so you may have to call the 800 number to see who has it near you.

Re: Diamond food

Has anyone had any issues with Diamond dog food since the recalls a few years back ? I haven't kept up on the recent food recalls.