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Color Fading

Hi all, I live on the beach and both my chocos are a pair of beach bums always in the sand and ocean (MUCH SUNSHINE!!) obviously they were real dark and now fading due to the sunshine and maybe the salt water?? I have been told that KELP does wonders to avoid this. Has anyone had any experience with this and if anyone knows of anything else to help this situation, I would love to know! Thanks

Re: Color Fading

I would not worry right now. Might just be that they are getting ready to blow the coat. Alot of different shades will appear. Look awful for a while. Can last for months, hair falls out and you have to just wait for the dark color under there to come back.

Re: Color Fading

There are 'people products' for hair that contain a sunscreen and a saltwater/chlorine 'fix' which helps with the color change. It will be expensive as most of these only come in the 8oz sizes. I have used a spray on conditioner with an SPF rating that I use after dampening down the dog then work in the spray. Also you could just use a plain white T-Shirt to cover up.
For saltwater or chlorine protection remember to wet before they go in so the hair shaft does not absorb the salt or chlorine as much, then a thorough rinse after.
Regardless of what you do have fun at the beach!

Re: Color Fading

I have one chocolate that can get a severly damaged coat with too much sunshine. I've been told to use a good conditioner daily. There is a product by Ring 5 called Showring that conditions and has sun protection in it. I use it daily.

Re: Color Fading

my chocolate is in the ocean every day and her coat does not fade from the salt water nor does her coat turn lighter from the sun....her coat turns all sorts of colors as she is shedding...but when her coat returns, it is back to its deep,dark,decadent self.....worth the wait!!!conditioners,chemicals...why??? Your dog should be outside playing in the ocean,lake,stream,pond,field,brook,whatever!!!!let your dog be a dog..if their coat fades why is this a you will keep your dog under wraps just so his coat does not fade? HELLO!!!!