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Ovulation Detector

Has anyone had any experience with the Draminski ovulation detector? I am 1.5 hours from a city that does progesterone or I have to draw blood and send it out to a lab and wait for a 2 day answer on levels and fustration begins to set in after a while! Perhaps if this toy does what it says it will do, I can save my self a lot of driving and time.
Thanks to all

Re: Ovulation Detector

We purchased one and never had much luck with it. I wouldn't rely solely on this device. It costed a lot of money and we only used it a couple of times. Its very hard to get the same readings. You can test the same girl a several seconds apart from the first reading and it be off like by hundred. You might get a reading of 360 one time and do a second reading to be sure and it say 220.

Re: Ovulation Detector

I also bought one and used it a couple of times. Same results. Too hard to use and uneven results. Sorry.


Re: Ovulation Detector

The Draminsky ovulation detector is useless. It cost so much money, and you can't get 1 consistent reading from that thing. To me it is an scam. Worst product ever.
I haven't use the home tests, and I would like to know people experiences with it.