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OMG - We have fire flies!!!

You cannot believe my excitement when, last night, I went out to the pond and saw thousands of fireflies across the lawn area. OMG!!! I was like a 5 year old in a candy store. I immediately called the girls and they set out to catch them. To my surprise, they did! It was amazing as the little guys, and gals, sat on their open palms and lit up!!! Naturally, I ran into the house to grab my camera. Unfortunately, they were shy and did not light up when I clicked the shutter. We did get pictures of them in the girl’s palms, however.

The work has begun at Spring Dell Farm. Yesterday, I cleaned out the garage and put up one set of kennels. What I thought would take 1 hour to complete, actually took me 4 hours. It was like a puzzle trying to get these things back together. I have two more sets to do. I think I will take on one set per day.

We had an egret sighting on the pond yesterday. He had the most beautiful grey coloring. He flew in with grace and ease and landed like a majestic sea plane. Again, I ran for the camera and called the family. It is like Shangri-La here!!! I hope this feeling never wears off. The girls thought they saw a beaver as well. I’ll have to confirm this with the locals as I, myself, did not see him!

Kim is working hard at getting things unpacked inside. She takes a break, now and then, and comes out and picks weeds with me. Little by little we are cleaning and putting the Silva touch on things. For those of you that know me … I bought a new blower and got every spec of debris off of my driveway, walkways, and porches yesterday… I was in heaven!!!

We are starting to settle in quite nicely. We took a trip to Lowe’s and to the grocery store (Shop Rite) yesterday. We were in sticker shock as the groceries were being tallied up as we had to buy many staples. It is amazing how quickly things add up! Lowe’s was a fun trip as we got to purchase a new BBQ. We actually tried it out last night and had a wonderful chicken dinner with vegetables. Kim and I are so glad not to be eating fast-junk-food. The girls, on the other hand, are not happy that eating out is over!

The dogs couldn’t be happier here! They swim in the pond a few times per day and run in the open lawn areas. We are finally getting them back in a routine.

In closing, there must have been one h*ll of a pool party here! Those who attended left a big mess! I expect that Heidi will be here soon to clean up!

Best to everyone … We really are East Coasters now... Amazing!!!

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Michael, can't you use your new blower on the party mess?! Love your posts of the trip and getting settled in - sounds like you've got a wee piece of heaven there! Enjoy!!!

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!


Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

I think your bird is more likely a blue heron and not an egret. Glad you are settling in.

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Better you saw fire flies, than the black flies we also have. You will also need to start protecting your dogs against ticks and fleas, I know in some parts of California that is not a concern, not sure if you lived in one of those areas,but here it is a big concern. The east coast is so different than the west coast, when I was on the west coast I felt like I was on another planet!

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Oh Michael that is one of the positives about summer in NJ. But they are called lightning bugs. Fire flies must be California!
I am sure the girls saw a beaver. You will also see skunks; opossums; groundhogs; chipmunks; mice; rabbits; squirrels and coyotes; you might even see a bear or two plus plenty of deer!

Lovely birds too but watch that the geese don't overtake your pond because they bring bacterial problems for your grounds and water.

Where did you go to Shoprite and Loews. Flemington or Phillipsburg?

Leslie's right about the fleas and ticks. Hunterdon County now leads the country in Lyme disease and you are in the area. Big time ticks in spring and fall so think about spraying the property that the dogs run on or treating them.

If you email me privately I'll tell you what I use and when.

Enjoy the scenery. M

Michael is right ~ They are "Fire Flies" out here :o)

,but we don't have any in the West

Another word that Easterners say "wrong" is POCKETBOOK, it's a PURSE :o)

Re: Michael is right ~ They are "Fire Flies" out here :o)

I grew up in Maryland, catching lightning bugs, putting them in a jar, and shaking it to have them all light up at once. We let them go afterwards, of course. We do have them here in Wi, but not like the east coast. It is always a pleasure to see them when I go east. Thanks for the memories!

BTW the worst place I ever lived in for ticks was in the Monterey Bay region in California! They were only there during the wet winter season, however.

Oh, and the bird undoubtedly was a Great Blue Heron. Several species of egrets visit the east coast, but they are white.

Re: Michael is right ~ They are "Fire Flies" out here :o)

Julie, a purse is something I would bring to the ball or a fancy gala, a pocketbook is what I carry my wallet, checkbook and all my other crap around in!
I knew we've had this discussion before!
We also have highways, while you have freeways!

Well we have freeways in MI too Leslie

pocketbook must be an eastern thing since it's purse here too.

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Hey Silva Family! I'm off to the Boston speciatly but will show up at your door sometime this weekend:)
Enough with this rain already, make it go away
Can't wait to see "stuff" in your house! Is your pond free of critters, can I bring a dog over to swim?

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Yes, I remember being back east, sitting at a gas station with my mom, she was asking directions, wanted to know how to get to the freeway. The guy said, "Lady, NOTHING is free in NJ, but the highway is up ahead, just past the toll both." Enjoy, Michael and Kimmie! ;-)

Re: Michael is right ~ They are "Fire Flies" out here :o)

...pocketbook....I remember that well as I am a NJ ex-patriate. I remember Shop Rite, A&P, Cawfee, Wawk the Dawg, and soda (not "pop"). We call the fireflies both FF and lightning bugs, caught them in a jar. I grew up mainly at "the Shore", and waived bye bye to the "Bennies" (tourists) on Labor Day when they went back "Up North". What is left of my small family still lives "down the Shore".

They are "fire flies" in NH

I grew up catching "fire flies" and my two daughters enjoy them in the summer as well. We don't call them "lightning bugs" up here in southern NH. Our woods are teaming with them but around a pond is even more spectacular.

Yes we say "pocketbook" and "purse" interchangeably, call a sub sandwich a "grinder", and a very thick milkshake made with hard ice cream is a "frappe".

Enjoy Michael!

Re: They are "fire flies" in NH

I grew up catching "fire flies" also. Mut be a New Jersey thing.

I might offer a suggestion about that "big bird" in your pond. DON't encourage it to stay around, or you won't have any fish left, if it is a blue heron. They are a pain in the butt.

What's a purse?

Re: They are "fire flies" in NH

Well, you New Englanders have a vocabulary unto yourselves And the pronunciation of your towns, geesh!

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Hi Michael,

We call them lightening bugs here in western/central New York. I have fun summer-childhood memories of catching them in a Mason jar and watching them light in my bedroom at our lake cottage.

Do you have a Wegman's (supermarket) near you? Well worth the trip if you do!

Your place looks wonderful. I'm sure you'll all miss "home"--I hope you have an easy adjustment.

Re: They are "fire flies" in NH

Good thing most of the New Englanders are at the Boston Specialty right now so they won't see my last comments heehee! (wish I was there too!)

Re: They are "lightening bugs" in NJ

If you want to fit in, you better start calling them "lightening bugs".

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Well, I've lived in the Northeast my entire life and I use "lightning bug" and "fire fly" interchangably! I also use both "pocketbook" and "purse." I do NOT, however, drink pop or drive on a freeway:-)


Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Barbara Roosevelt
Well, I've lived in the Northeast my entire life and I use "lightning bug" and "fire fly" interchangably! I also use both "pocketbook" and "purse." I do NOT, however, drink pop or drive on a freeway:-)


We use both lightning bug and fire fly interchangably as well, but I never use purse. Only little old ladies have purses We too don't drink pop or drive on freeways. We have soda and drive on the highway. We also rejoice when the flatlanders finally go home for the short periods between foliage and Thanksgiving, and skiing and spring. Mud season doesn't appeal to anyone!

Michael I have really enjoyed following your trip east, but your post today is my favorite. I love hearing about people experiencing the wonders of the east coast. While I am sure you will love the NJ beaches, Cape May etc please try and get out to Martha's Vineyard or/and Nantucket. There is nothing else quite like it in the world. Oh and we often have visitors from NJ up here in northern NH. Last week I had a moose walk across my lawn as he wandered into the woods.

Oh and that poor maligned Great Blue Heron! I walk the dogs into the neighbor's beaver pond so we can see the Heron's on their nest. I love em! Enjoy your new home Silvas and please keep the stories coming.

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

We have fire flies here in Manitoba. We call pop soft drinks as opposed to hard liquor. We only have highways and they are all free. I have never used the term pocketbook that is something our grandmothers said.

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Yes Michael, please watch for the deer where you live. They are overpopulated and constantly getting hit on the road. When you drive at night, you must never stop looking for them or they will smash your car!

And yes, it's the highway and they are lightening bugs and a pocketbook

You will also have to learn "what exit's you are off the Parkway and Turnpike"

Plus, I don't know about CA but you'll need to get used to people in NJ driving like idiots and being rude in public. It's the the NJ way.
Like if you are waiting to pull out onto a road, you have to just push or you will be there all day because NJ drivers do not know what courtesy is

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Thank you for sharing your family's Great Adventure. And welcome to the right coast :). May all of your two legged and four legged family members have much happiness here.

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

My grandmother carried a handbag. We also had fireflys!

Re:Tick Control

Thank you for taking the time to post your travel journal - it was so well written and fun reading. Please consider Guinea Fowls as an environmentally friendly tick control for your property.

Re: Re:Tick Control

Maureen Foster
Thank you for taking the time to post your travel journal - it was so well written and fun reading. Please consider Guinea Fowls as an environmentally friendly tick control for your property.

Absolutely, as long as you don't mind alienating your neighbors with LOUD exotic jungle bird noises!

You know you're from Jersey now...

Michael, Kim and Girls,
Sorry this is so long, but you will all be expected to know this information. You have about 6 months before your fellow Jerseyans will expect you to have become one of us... Prepare to be tested. Especially about the celebs born here (Hint: Sinatra, Springsteen, Travolta, De Vito, Pesci, Willis, Bon Jovi)

As someone who was born and lived over 50 years in Jersey, here is some of the info you will need to know:

Facts about New Jersey

* New Jersey is a peninsula.
* Highlands, New Jersey has the highest elevation along the entire eastern seaboard, from Maine to Florida.
* New Jersey is the only state where all of its counties are classified as metropolitan areas.
* New Jersey has more race horses than Kentucky.
* New Jersey has more Cubans in Union City (1 sq. mi.) than Havana, Cuba.
* New Jersey has the most dense system of highways and railroads in the US.
* New Jersey has the highest cost of living.
* New Jersey has the highest cost of auto insurance.
* New Jersey has the highest property taxes in the nation.
* New Jersey has the most diners in the world and is sometimes referred to as the Diner Capital of the World
* New Jersey is home to the original mystery pork parts chub, Taylor Ham or Pork Roll.
* North Jersey has the most shopping malls in one area in the world, with seven major shopping malls in a 25 square mile radius.
* New Jersey is home to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
* The Passaic River was the site of the first submarine ride by inventor John P. Holland.
* New Jersey has 50+ resort cities & towns, some of the nations' most famous: Asbury Park, Wildwood, Atlantic City, Seaside Heights, Long Branch and Cape May.
* New Jersey has the most stringent testing along our coastline for water quality control than any other seaboard state in the entire country.
* New Jersey is a leading technology & industrial state and is the largest chemical producing state in the nation when you include pharmaceuticals.
* Jersey tomatoes are known the world over as being the best you can buy.
* New Jersey is the world leader in blueberry and cranberry production.
* In 1642, the first brewery in America opened in Hoboken.
* The famous Les Paul invented the first solid body electric guitar in Mahwah in 1940.
* New Jersey is a major seaport state with the largest seaport in the US, located in Elizabeth. Nearly 80% of what our nation imports comes through Elizabeth Seaport first.
* New Jersey is home to one of the nation's busiest airports at Newark Liberty International.
* George Washington slept here. Several important Revolutionary War battles were fought on New Jersey soil, led by General George Washington.
* The light bulb, phonograph, and motion picture projector, were invented by Thomas Edison in his Menlo Park, NJ laboratory.
* The first town ever lit by incandescent bulbs was in NJ.
* The first seaplane was built in Keyport, NJ.
* The first airmail (to Chicago) was started from Keyport, NJ.
* The first phonograph records were made in Camden, NJ.
* New Jersey is home to the Miss America Pageant held in Atlantic City.
* The game Monopoly, played all over the world, named the streets on their playing board after the actual streets in Atlantic City.
* And, Atlantic City has the longest boardwalk in the world.
* New Jersey has the largest petroleum containment area outside of the Middle East countries.
* The first Indian reservation was in New Jersey.
* New Jersey has the tallest water-tower in the world.
* New Jersey had the first Medical Center, in Jersey City.
* The Pulaski SkyWay, from Jersey City to Newark, was the first skyway highway.
* NJ built the first tunnel (Holland Tunnel) under a river, the Hudson.
* The first baseball game was played in Hoboken, NJ, which is also the birthplace of Frank Sinatra.
* The first intercollegiate football game was played in New Brunswick in 1889. (Rutgers College played Princeton.)
* The first Drive-in Movie theater was opened in Camden, NJ, (but they're all gone now.)
* New Jersey is home to both of "NEW YORK'S " ProFootball Teams.
* The first radio station and broadcast was in Paterson, NJ.
* The first FM radio broadcast was made from Alpine, NJ, by Maj. Thomas Armstrong.
* All New Jersey natives: Sal Martorano, Jack Nicholson, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Jason Alexander, Queen Latifa, Susan Sarandon, Connie Francis, Shaq, Judy Blume, Aaron Burr, Joan Robertson, Ken Kross, Dionne Warwick, Sarah Vaughn, Budd Abbott, Lou Costello, Alan Ginsberg, Norman Mailer, Marilynn McCoo, Flip Wilson, Whitney Houston, Eddie Money, Linda McElroy, Eileen Donnely, Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Walt Whitman, Jerry Lewis, Tom Cruise, Richard Wojewodzki, Joyce Kilmer, Bruce Willis, Caesar Romero, Nelson Riddle, Lauryn Hill, Ice-T, Nick Adams, Nathan Lane, Sandra Dee, Danny DeVito, Richard Conti, Joe Pesci, Joe Piscopo, Robert Blake, John Forsyth, Meryl Streep, Loretta Swit, Norman Lloyd, Paul Simon, Jerry Herman, Gorden McCrae, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Phyllis Newman, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Eva Marie Saint, Elisabeth Shue, Zebulon Pike, James Fennimore Cooper, Admiral Wm. Halsey,Jr., Dave Thomas(Wendy's), William Carlos Williams, Ray Liotta, Robert Wuhl, Bob Reyers, Paul Robeson, Ernie Kovacs, Joseph Macchia, Frank Albert Sinatra, "Uncle Floyd" Vivino, and Kelly Rippa.

You know you're from New Jersey when...

* You don't think of fruit when people mention "The Oranges".
* You know that it's called Great Adventure, not Six Flags.
* A good, quick breakfast is a hard roll with butter.
* You've known the way to Seaside Heights since you were seven.
* You've eaten at a Diner, when you were stoned or drunk, at 3 a.m.
* You know that the state isn't one big oil refinery.
* At least three people in your family still love Bruce Springsteen and you know the town Jon Bon Jovi is from.
* You know what a "jug handle" is.
* You know that WaWa is a convenience store.
* You know that the state isn't all farmland.
* You know that there are no "beaches" in New Jersey
-there's the shore and you don't go to the shore, you go "down the Shore". And when you are there, you're not "at the shore", you are "down the Shore".
* You know how to properly negotiate a Circle.
* You knew that the last sentence had to do with driving.
* You know that this is the only "New __" state that doesn't require "New" to identify it (like, try...Mexico,...York, .Hampshire - doesn't work, does it?)
* You know that a "White Castle" is the name of BOTH a fast food chain AND a fast food sandwich.
* You consider putting mayo on a corned beef sandwich a sacrilege.
* You don't think "What exit?" is very funny.
* You know that people from the 609 area code are "a little different". Yes they are!
* You know that no respectable New Jerseyan goes to Princeton -that's for out-of-staters.
* The Jets-Giants game has started fights at your school or localbar.
* You live within 20 minutes of at least three different malls.
* You refer to all highways and interstates by their numbers. (except for "the Parkway" and "the Turnpike")
* Every year you have at least one kid in your class named Tony.
* You know the location of every clip shown in the Sopranos opening credits.
* You've gotten on the wrong highway trying to get out of the mall.
* You know that people from North Jersey go to Seaside Heights, and people from Central Jersey go to Belmar and people from South Jersey go to Wildwood.
* You weren't raised in New Jersey -- you were raised in either North Jersey, Central Jersey or South Jersey.
* You don't consider Newark or Camden to actually be part of the state.
* You remember the stores Korvette's, Two Guys, Rickel's, Channel, Bamberger's and Orbach's.
* You also remember Palisades Amusement Park.
* You've had a Boardwalk cheese steak and vinegar fries.
* You start planning for Memorial Day weekend in February.
* You've NEVER, NEVER pumped your own gas.

Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

Come to our LRCGD Specialty and you can drive on Freeways, drink POP, and carry a purse. Groceries will be put into a "sack", also, but you have to unload your cart yourself. Oh, and your burrito will be served to you "smothered" in green chili.


Barbara Roosevelt
Well, I've lived in the Northeast my entire life and I use "lightning bug" and "fire fly" interchangably! I also use both "pocketbook" and "purse." I do NOT, however, drink pop or drive on a freeway:-)


Re: OMG - We have fire flies!!!

After a lengthy discussion in the lunchroom today, we all agreed that we call it a "bag." Nothing more, nothing less. Pocketbook, handbag, and purse were all considered old fashioned sayings

Re: You know you're from Jersey now...

WOW, Laura--very interesting facts about New Jersey! I learned some things today. I've also heard that the education system in NJ is the best in the nation, but have no facts to back that up. :) I think I read it somewhere where they were comparing test scores or something? Maybe you can back that one up. Anyway, thanks for sharing!