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Madison Square Garden

During a recent tour of the Garden we were told, there is an ice ring for hockey, when hockey season is over they put a retractable wooden floor over the ring for basketball. They discovered that during the dog show the dogs won't walk on the floor unless the ice is melted. Why won't the dogs walk on the floor? That is the million dollar question for today.

Re: Madison Square Garden

If you believe the fine people in New York keep the ice rinK up all year, I have a bridge to sell you which is not too far from the Garden.

The ice is melted within minutes of the last Rangers game. No one and I mean no one wants to spend that much on electricity to keep the ice there.

Keep believing.

Re: Madison Square Garden

You have to be careful of those tour guides! A few years ago in DC we were on a tour of the Capitol and the intern leading the tour told us that George Washington died in battle. When we told him he was wrong he said "Are you sure?" He was skeptical when we told him Washington died in his own bed at Mount Vernon!

Re: Madison Square Garden

If you believe the fine people in New York keep the ice rinK up all year, I have a bridge to sell you which is not too far from the Garden.

First, that message didn't say the ice is on all year. The message said that after hockey season, a retractable basketball court covers the ice. Ice hockey and basketball seasons overlap. So yes, sometimes the b'ball court does cover the ice.

Moreover, the ice is not used only for hockey. There are lots of ice shows at the Garden through the year.