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If you feel the need to give it what dose do you use.

Please don't start flames or arguments. I would rather not use it but have it on hand in case. ER and vets are far away from me.

Have used it in the past with no problem but prefer not to.

What is the recommendation: 1/2ml or 1?

And if more than one dose how far apart.

I know Hutch says 1/2, if nothing, 30 min. later another 1/2 and if nothing than go for a C.

Thank you for kind, thoughtful responses from people with experience using PIT.


I believe it's less than 1/2CC. Remember if you start using pit, you have to keep using it. The pit will make her have a contraction but her own body won't bother much after that.


We use .03 CC, then you have to repeat it every hour. If we don't get contractions, next time we go to .05 CC. Even after "we think" everything is over, we never use more than .25 CC's. Anything more than that, our vet will do it. As far as when we start using, I really can't explain it as it is when Deb and I think her contractions or lack of having fallen off and it has been at least a couple hours or so since the last puppy. Sometimes even after 2 1/2 to 3 hours, we don't even consider starting, again it is just knowing the girl and what we think.
You would be surprised how just that tiny drop ( .03 CC ) makes a difference.


I have always been told a 1/4 cc. Again in 20 - 30 minutes if no result.
I've had girls go 4-5 hours or longer between puppies with no problems. If they are in-between puppies and sleeping and nuturing and not distressed, I leave them alone.
I sometimes do a clean out shot at the end but not always if I've accounted for all the placentas.


Thank you all for the replies.

Hoping we won't need it.


We use .03 CC, then you have to repeat it every hour. If we don't get contractions, next time we go to .05 CC. Even after "we think" everything is over, we never use more than .25 CC's. Anything more than that, our vet will do it. As far as when we start using, I really can't explain it as it is when Deb and I think her contractions or lack of having fallen off and it has been at least a couple hours or so since the last puppy. Sometimes even after 2 1/2 to 3 hours, we don't even consider starting, again it is just knowing the girl and what we think.
You would be surprised how just that tiny drop ( .03 CC ) makes a difference.

I hope you realize what .03 or .05 is. Remember the 0 (Zero) before the 3 or 5, that is not 1/3 or 1/2 cc or .30 .50 cc. It is actually 3/100ths or 5/100ths of a cc. It is a tiny drop as Gregg said. His maximum is 1/4 cc, .25cc.

You have received some excellent advice from him. I would also speak to your vet office for their recommendations to be sure they are in agreement. It's always a good idea incase you need to use this powerful drug. Did your vet dispense it with instructions?

Many years ago, .50 (1/2 of a cc) and 1.00 cc's (a full cc) were commonly recommended by General Practitioners. That is not the case today. Those dosages can be dangerous to the bitch and pups. If the old, high doses are administered, it should only be done by a vet.


Gregg's dosage is right on... never more than .25. When I have to use it, I alternate between oxy and calcium(given in small amounts as well) Oxytocin is a powerful drug and I know of someone who killed their bitch because they were new at using it and didn't have a clue... It was horrible. She is no longer breeding. To me, it was a very dumb mistake. Please, if you aren't sure at when to do it, etc., you seek advice from your vet and have your girl examined first.

Good luck~


Just as an added note, we use a tiny 1 CC syringe and as mentioned it is just a tiny drop! There are 100 graduations on this small syringe and we only go to the 3rd one, in most cases this is all that is needed. You will see results in 15 to 20 minutes.
One of our mentors started us on this many years ago and it is part of the whelp wise procedure.
Misuse of this powerful drug can result in disastrous results. While I mentioned that the max we would use is .25 CC's, we only do this 24 hours after the last puppy is born. To give any more than this, our vet will be the one injecting it due to the possible results. Over all our years only one time did we have to cross the .25 number. Our vet did that in the middle of the night to push a puppy out far enough to enable him to pull it out. It was the last puppy (DOA) but if there had been more than one, we would have done a section.


Good Advise from Gregg. When I use whelpwise, they recommend very small doses. I also use the tiny syringes, and they will set me up with some that are .1, some .2, some .3 and the max, .4. I only use these with their advise, as they can "see" the contractions, etc. I have heard that a full CC of oxytocin can blow out a uterus.

Best of luck.

Just as an added note, we use a tiny 1 CC syringe and as mentioned it is just a tiny drop! There are 100 graduations on this small syringe and we only go to the 3rd one, in most cases this is all that is needed. You will see results in 15 to 20 minutes.
One of our mentors started us on this many years ago and it is part of the whelp wise procedure.
Misuse of this powerful drug can result in disastrous results. While I mentioned that the max we would use is .25 CC's, we only do this 24 hours after the last puppy is born. To give any more than this, our vet will be the one injecting it due to the possible results. Over all our years only one time did we have to cross the .25 number. Our vet did that in the middle of the night to push a puppy out far enough to enable him to pull it out. It was the last puppy (DOA) but if there had been more than one, we would have done a section.


I am so glad a few others posted about these small, safer dosages and how they dispense them. Thank you.


my vet fixes 2 syringes for me beforehand. I call her before ever using them. This way I make no mistakes in the middle of the night.


my vet fixes 2 syringes for me beforehand. I call her before ever using them. This way I make no mistakes in the middle of the night.

I do the same but my vet wants me to use too much at 1cc and the reason I came here.

Thank you all for your valued info I will take the advice (thanks Greg for being so precise)