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Bump on pup's eye

I'm not sure if i should take him to the vet or not. It seems like I am there every 2 weeks for something I think is a crises but always turns out to be nothing. Im sure my vet thinks Im a nut by now.
He has had this bump for 2 weeks now, it has gotten very slightly bigger and redder. I have some left over bactiracin from the last time he had a different eye issue (blocked gland on his inner lid). Think I should use it? Anyone else have this happen before? It doesnt seem to bug him at all. I will take him if someone thinks its necessary, I just dont know.




Re: Bump on pup's eye

I had one of these on an 8 week old, and it was there when I took the entire litter to be CERF , the opthamoligist said it was from a staph infection ,and to watch the litter for Strangles. Of course I went home and got the bleach out and when nuts cleaning everything they touch. It went away in about 3 days, no meds, no extra care except for the gallon of bleach I cleaned the puppy room with.

Re: Bump on pup's eye

I had one on a puppy vet said it was a sty. I put a warm wash cloth on it a couple times a day for about 4 days and it went away.

Re: Bump on pup's eye

Hello & what an adorable boy- esp. with the toy in his mouth. I feel your pain about worry when it comes to our beloved mushy boys. I vote for waiting a few days. My boy had an even uglier bump that involved his upper eyelid.It went away in 2 weeks. I think it is a virus born stye sort of a thing ( my Vet opinion too) . Now for the embarrassing part- I too had one at the same time! I am sure my Vet thinks I am NUTs, b/c of course I worried I gave it to him!
Good luck- Let us know how it works out.

Re: Bump on pup's eye

I think im going to wait a couple of days. Thanks all, for the advice. It's not as red today. There is a dog park I go to that has a river in it. This is the second time I have taking him there where he has gotten some kind of eye infection. I think moving on to the next dog park.

Re: Bump on pup's eye

Love your handsome light boy with that jet black pigment. Yummers! :)

Re: Bump on pup's eye

Love your handsome light boy with that jet black pigment. Yummers! :)

Thanks! He can be a goober, but I love him!
