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Ovulation Kit

Now that I have decided against the Draminski Ovulation detector, does anyone out there know of any accurate ovulation kits available. I heard that there were some reliable ones made by a company in Texas.???

Re: Ovulation Kit

I have not used them, but I think the company you are talking about is Camelot. I use their boxes and extender and they are great. You can reach them at


Re: Ovulation Kit

Spain, Do you use progesterone levels to aid you in timing a breeding? Availability in your country or area?

Re: Ovulation Kit

Breeder in Spain, are you thinking of the Fertile Focus?

Re: Ovulation Kit

Spaniard, talk to Maureene Gamble, she knows about a new product that works inredible and is very easy to use.

Re: Ovulation Kit

No, I was not looking for this one but in the end it seems very interesting! TIA!

Re: Ovulation Kit

You can do the same procedure as the Fertile Focus by using your own microscope. Put a drop of saliva daily on a slide, let it dry and watch for ferns.
Myra Savant also sells this product and talks highly about it in her seminars. The little lipstick style tube is actually a mini microscope.

Re: Ovulation Kit

Thanks to all for the help! I think I have a clear view on the program! TIA!

Re: Ovulation Kit

The ferning system sounded very interesting, so I tried it and also ran progesterone tests at the same time. The problem I experienced was, I never could get enough saliva for ferning to occur. The little saliva I was able to collect was virtually dry as soon as it hit the slide. Any suggestions? I would like to try again if I knew how to get enough saliva.

Re: Ovulation Kit

how about those liquid dispensers they sell for dosing kids? Almost like a spoon with a vial attached.

Re: Ovulation Kit

Get cookies out first. Then they almost always salivate. Mine drool.