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Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

Anyone feed this food to their pups? Likes dislikes?? TIA!

Re: Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

My puppies like it, and it is easy to keep good wait. The bad side is that they get really really (out of the normal) stinky poop. I alternate with Pro plan, which is the other one I like.

Re: Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

We tried it last year & the pups didn't like it. We use the regular Eukanuba Puppy and find this works good. And when you need a pup to get nutrients the Small Breed works very well.

Re: Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

The only time I've had a puppy get pano was while feeding this food.

Re: Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

I've been feeding this for several years now, along with Euk Premium Performance for bitches the day they come in season if they're going to be bred. I've had good results - no complaints at all.

Re: Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

Have raised all my pups on this and never had a single pup with any ortho issues later in life. No stinky poos either. Coats and skin are beautiful on this formula.

Re: Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

I do not feed but friend in another breed does. She says she has troubles with pups eating own poo on it.

Re: Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

Raised my pup on it for 3.5 months from when he first began to eat. He didn't like the taste so we switched to adult food. His skin, coat and stools were fine on it. There was no difference on the adult food which is a different brand.

I've used Merrick for litters, pups did well on it.

I can't see pups eating poo due to that food. I usually see a grown girl that has whelped a litter eating poo after because she's cleaned her pups poo for the first 3 weeks. JMHO. Pups are not normally poo eaters, mine aren't anyway.

Re: Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy

As a general rule I stay away from the "gimmick" foods like large breed, weight management, and the like. I've found that they are formulated more to make the consumer feel good than to be the best for the dog, and they tend to have more fillers and less nutrition per cup/pound. The studies for large breed orthopedics and nutrition have found that less is more - the only nutritional thing that has been proven to positively affect orthopedic health is keeping the dogs in leaner condition as pups and young dogs.