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I am thankful

Yesterday I took my girl to my Vet for a planned C-section.I knew there was only 1 puppy and that I would be disappointed if it was not a girl. This is Mama's last litter.The section went well..for that I am thankful. The BOY puppy is healthy...for that I am thankful. Mama is well and taking good care of him..I am thankful.He has a loving family waiting for him..I am thankful.No girl for me this time..maybe next.
I am most thankful for the lovely creatures we call
Labradors that my Husband and I share our lives with.

Re: I am thankful

Glad that all are well.
Nice post Linda

Re: I am thankful

Hey Miss Linda,

I bet that little boy is the cutest ever! I am happy every one is fine. What a great take on what
could have been a vey sad situation. Sunny side up Girl! See you at the shows.



Re: I am thankful


What a wonderful sentiment. Congrats on the new boy and a positive attitude.

I am thankful for EMMA!

I hope that makes you smile.


Re: I am thankful

Hi Linda, Glad that all went well-it is important to sit back and appreciate all that we have and how special our doggies are. They do make our lives rich. Sending our love to all of yours, Trish and Mini Me.

Re: I am thankful

I am thankful for you breeding Grange.
He is my sweetie!

Re: I am thankful

Thanks Bonnie...he is definately a sweetie!
I failed to mention how thankful I am that my Hubby put the whelping box next to our bed, my side of course, so that I won't have to sleep on the bathroom floor. Which is where we usually put it. He also is a sweetie!
Barb, Sharlene, Kim, Trish, Mini Me....all of you have made me smile...Thanks!

Re: I am thankful

Linda, Congratulations on your healthy boy, and his momma doing well too. I am very thankful for the 2 boys I got from Onyx 2 years ago. Onyx is my heart dog, and she could gladly have a kidney of mine if she needed it. Before she whelped, I had my heart set on my wonderful bitch puppy that I just knew she would have. Well, NOT! She had 2 boys, and although I still hope for my special bitch puppy from Onyx, I am thankful every day for Bear and Baloo. They are truely blessings!

Re: I am thankful

Yes, Linda, never say never. A friend just sent me an e-mail I sent out, 18 months ago next week, the night Coal was born. He was an only puppy and I was so disappointed, a darn black male, and was sure I would not keep him. But early on I learned how much fun a singleton can be, it's not like having a real litter, it's more like having your own personal toy. We carried him around everywhere, took him out of the whelping box in short order and just drug him from room to room in a dog bed with raised sides. When he turned eight weeks I knew we couldn't part with him, so he stayed. Talk about counting one's blessings, I now cannot imagine life without my own personal entertainer, Coal. My daughter recently taught him to butt tuck IN THE AIR.

Enjoy your baby, as my old boss used to say, it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. There is new life! You are, indeed, fortunate. ;-)