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Surgical AI

I am considering a Surgical AI and checking here for those that have done this.

Was this a back to back breeding? How many pups did you get with SAI?

How many pups were in the previous litter?

I have heard that people doing this on a back to back breeding are getting small litters with the SAI.

All input is appreciated.


Re: Surgical AI

Not a back to back, first time breeding with a 5 year old bitch. Surgical AI using frozen, and got 11 pups.

Re: Surgical AI

I have done a back to back , 8 puppies both times.

Re: Surgical AI

Two surgicals, not back to back.
First litter 12, second litter 7.

Re: Surgical AI

I had missed twice with my girl doing vaginal AIs. Once with progesterones done and semen looked great, next time just followed my boy's instinct. So we did a surgical AI next time around - got 4 pups. She just had her 2nd litter - did one progestrone to get a rough idea where she was in her cycle. and then did 3 vaginal AIs - one every other day. The result was 8 puppies.

Another girl, I did a vaginal and a surgical AI since FedEx dropped the ball on delivering the goods and I drove to the stud owner's home, we did a vaginal and then followed up the next day with a surgical. Got 10 puppies. Her next litter was a vaginal AI - once every other day for a total of 3 AIs - one progesterone to get an idea where she was in her cycle. The result was 9 puppies.

I believe there is a time and place for a surgical, especially if using frozen semen or if you have had a girl that has missed more than once. But with my second girl, I feel that I got talked into the surgical by my vet.

Those of you that had successful surgicals

Can you share your progesterone numbers? What was the progesterone when you did the surgical, and how many pups did you get?

Re: Surgical AI

We do surgical AI's on almost all breedings. We have found it to be the best method for us to insure pregnancy. Our repro vet typically does them 72hrs after ovulation (5ng progesterone). The litter sizes have typically been in the 6-8 puppy range on average. We have done one back to back on a bitch that was ready to retire upon the advice of our vet.

Hope this helps!

Re: Surgical AI

Same here, 3 days post 5ng.

Re: Those of you that had successful surgicals

We have done 25+ since mid 1999 and never missed. On chilled our repro vet does it day 3 post ovulation. On fresh, many times she has done it day 2.

Re: Surgical AI

72 hours is NOT 3 days post 5ng.
72 hours is SIX days!

So which is it, 3 or 6???

Same here, 3 days post 5ng.

Re: Surgical AI

72/3 = 24 How is that 6 days?

Re: Surgical AI

jayson said he does it 72 hours after 5ng and someone else said 3 days (which is 36 hours) post 5ng. Thats a BIG variation so which is it?

36 hours is 1.5 days in my world.
72 hours is 3 days.

Re: Surgical AI

jayson said he does it 72 hours after 5ng and someone else said 3 days (which is 36 hours) post 5ng. Thats a BIG variation so which is it?

36 hours is 1.5 days in my world.
72 hours is 3 days.

Same in my world. Brdr, what are you talking about?

Re: Surgical AI

Apparently this breeder only has 12-hour days : ) It's Monday math!