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Camping at Rose City

Hi all,

I once again failed to get camping reservations in time at Champoeg for the RCLRC specialty coming up; I made them a couple of months ago and was only able to get 2 out of the 4 nights I need. Just thought I might put a word out... I know there are smart people out there who made their reservations 9 months in advance like they were supposed to and may need to cancel. If so, I would definitely be interested in a site! Please email me privately if you can help. Thanks in advance. :)

Re: Camping at Rose City

Hi Nancy,
Email me and I'll give you some information. I am not going to be able to go and so far it appears my spot is available. Lucy @ Himoon called me early this am and said you were looking.


Re: Camping at Rose City

Thanks, Chantel! I just emailed you... :)