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Just wondering if there were results? Who went BOB.

Re: Winnebago

I heard that Ollie won.

Re: Winnebago

Anyone else have more???

Re: Winnebago

who the heck is Ollie??

Re: Winnebago

He was Stan Laurel's sidekick.,

Re: Winnebago

Ch Stone Cliff Another Fine Mess

Re: Winnebago

Best in Sweeps from 6-9months class was Clear Creek BonaVenture Topsy Turvey.
Best Opposite was her littermate Clear Creek BonaVenture Troubadour.
WB/BOW from the 12-18th month class was Cabin Creeks Hocus Pocus
RWB from BBE was Inselheim Sea Coral
WD/AOM from Am Bred was Bonaventure Borador Bismark.
RWD from Open Yellow was Tabatha's Noble.
BOB was as stated
BOS was CH Tabatha's Harmony
AOM was WD, CH Kaltrav Caribbean Cruise, (Veteran Dog) CH Borador's I'll Be Willard.

Re: Winnebago

judges ?

Re: Winnebago

Sweeps-Gerardo Saldana (Zinfandel)
Bitches-Debra McKinley (?)
Dogs/Intersex- Traci Stintzcum (Buttonwood)

Re: Winnebago

One correction...Kaltrav Caribbean Cruise is not a veteran dog. He just turned two and he did make the cut in breed! Nice boy.

Re: Winnebago

Yes, I just put the class before the dogs name. The Willard dog was the Veteran. Should have put that after his reg name. But I believe that Cruise got an AOM.

Re: Winnebago

No, I don't believe so.

Re: Winnebago

This was my first trip to this show, I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the club! What a very nice show... everyone was so warm and welcoming, the food Friday night and Saturday was delicious and the raffle was awesome. Kudos to all its members on a job well done and congrats to all the winners

Re: Winnebago

Is there somewhere to look at the catalog online?
I have never heard of that Super
Do they have a website?

Re: Winnebago

Thought it was Winneblago - named after the disgraced former Govenor of IL

Re: Winnebago

Real Funny .... This Club has more integrity in one Hand then you have in your whole body

Re: Winnebago

The club does have a website: We are getting the official results/placements from the show secretary and they will be posted on the website.

Re: Winnebago

CH Inselheim Buccaneer received an AOM