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I know why the AKC is in financial trouble...

It is more than the president of the United States by a fourth!! AND an employee is fully vested for retirement after FIVE years! So the next time they jack their registration fees and say they have to start registering mixed breeds like Doodles because they are broke...

Re: I know why the AKC is in financial trouble...

I would like to see that in writing, you have a link to the benefit book?

Though I do wonder if illegals work there, since it's difficult to understand people over the phone. Maybe Obama will do another raid,he'll need the xtra cash to fund his health care plan. Though no one will know about it since the NY times would not dare publish that.

Re: I know why the AKC is in financial trouble...

Just as a note to this, EVERYBODY is fully vested after 5 years if you are enrolled in a pension plan through your employer, this has been the law for many years.

Re: I know why the AKC is in financial trouble...

Thank you, Gregg, for throwing water on this flame before it got started.

Re: I know why the AKC is in financial trouble...

This means that you get the money your employer has contributed to your 401K plan, be it a $1.00 or !1,000,000. I'm sure the AKC employees are like the rest of us and don't get diddly for retirement from our employer, no matter how long we work there.

Re: I know why the AKC is in financial trouble...

Hey Gregg, you are right on, however I´ll just mention that I got 4 different answers to 1 question from 4 service reps, I am sure in an organization that handles the volume of work that these folks handle this is not so bad huh???????????????