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Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

So as we settle in at the farm, I thought a little romance was in order…

Picture this… Your wife is putting the children to bed. You, the husband, are running around as quickly as you can gathering the log for the fireplace, in the master bedroom, the glasses of Merlot, and setting the lights low.

You light the fire and realize you left the lighter in the basement… First mistake! You open the door and the security alarm goes off! Like a siren! Here comes the call from the security company. You assure them that everything is fine. The wife comes down and asks what is going on. You briefly tell her you opened the door by mistake. Most wives would have called you an idiot... Not my sweet girl!

You return to lighting the fire now that you have the starter. With the fire going you position the glasses of Merlot and dim the one light, as we can’t find the other one yet. Suddenly, you smell fire and realize the room is filling up with smoke! Someone forgot to check the fireplace to make sure the flue was working properly. You immediately start opening doors and windows to get rid of the smoke that is building up. You run to the kitchen to get a bowl of water to put out the fire.

You return from the kitchen and pour the water on the fire and a huge billowing cloud of smoke fills the room! You realize after you poured the water it was a mistake. Why? You ask… The alarm system triggers the smoke detectors that there is a fire and that damn piercing siren goes off again!!! You run to the controls to shut it off, but not before the phone rings. Guess who? It is the security company wanting to know if everything is ok and if they need to dispatch the fire company.

No, I say… It is just an "idiot" husband trying to have a romantic evening with his wife in their new home. She laughs and says ok and I return to cleaning everything up.

I guess romance will just have to wait for another night. Maybe at Cape May or Martha’s Vineyard!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

I just am rolling on the floor at this point ! Throw a blanket on the ground , down by the pond ! It's been a long week !

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...


We'll make a farmer out of you, yet!!!!!!!!!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Just when I thought things were gonna get reeeel interesting you have to go and set your house on fire!!! Michael, pitch a tent by the pond and have a little campfire(make sure you have a ring of good sized rocks surrounding it and away from low hanging shrubbery/trees...don't forget the marshmallows!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Relax! Have fun!
You're not a jerk!
It's just Hagas and Knut
Doing a bit of "gnomework."

We told you so.
We gave fair warning.
New tricks we'd try
With each new morning.

Just return our Dear Daddy,
And we will forget and forgive.
Our gnome-quest will be o'er
And we'll live and let live.

But in the end,
It's all fun and no harm.
Have a wonderful time
At Spring Dell Farm.

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Now THAT is Funny!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Oh, if you are going down by the pond, you better get an air mattress. They come with little motors that blow them up.

You are getting too old to go messin' around on the ground.

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

OMG... what a visual. That is hysterical! Thanks for sharing such [cough] charming, [hack] tender moments with us. You are both such good sports! ~Nancy

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Relax! Have fun!
You're not a jerk!
It's just Hagas and Knut
Doing a bit of "gnomework."

Excellent piece of poetry! Should we tell Mr. Silva that all he needed to do was open the damper? And that all one needs to start a fire in a fireplace is newspaper, kindling, and a match? Maybe after a month or so in the New Jersey countryside he will be ready to try out for Survivor!

All kidding aside, the saga of The Silva's Go Country is the best reading I've seen on this board in a long time!

Will we be seeing the Silva Clan at the French Bulldog National in Ma this year??

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

when are you writing your book, Michael???

I love it!

Welcome to NJ, and yes, Cape May is very nice! Our home is not fancy, but you should stop by on the way!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Hey man, you tried. That's more than most of us get!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Side-splitting! I vote for continued installments of the Diaries from Spring Dell Farm...

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Liz (Northsound)
Hey man, you tried. That's more than most of us get!

You are so right Liz! Mikey, your wife might reward you back with romance, just for your efforts.

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

That would make a great scene in a movie! I hope you keep writing!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Is it safe, yet, to call Michael the "Farmer In The Dell"?

Sorry, I couldn't resist it.

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Michael, you sure know how to put a "damper" on a romantic evening. Sorry, couldn't resist...

I wouldn't suggest camping by the pond unless you want to chance sharing your bed with a bear! I can just see the Silvas by the pond while the bears are trying out the beds in the big house. This one is too soft, this one is too hard ...

Please keep up the Dell Diaries. I am enjoying every bit of your family's Adventures In Jerseyland.

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Hahahahaha...LMAO, Gail R, that is SO perfect!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Michael, you my friend are hysterical! Your wife is lucky and although the down by the pond sounds like a very fun might want to bring the bug spray (OUCH) and a citronella candle for added ambiance!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Laura Dedering
Michael, you sure know how to put a "damper" on a romantic evening. Sorry,

Unfortunately, coming from Napa Michael might not know what a damper is - but I bet he does now!!!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Man the fact that you tried to make a romantic evening with your wife earns you big brownie points in my book Michael.

Not to mention the laughter you will get out of this later with your wife could be a great afrodisiac. LOL

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Thanks for the compliment...but, it could even be an aphrodisiac!

Re: Romance at Spring Dell Farm??? The saga continues...

Like many others, Michael, I have enjoyed reading your stories of your cross country travel, and your arrival in New Jersey, and now this!
Checking the forum for the latest installment of the Silva Chronicles is now a habit! Please keep them coming!
Even my DH enjoyed your romance story!