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Ok, I have a question regarding ticks. As I am not in an area that has ticks, I am not used to having to defend my dog against these horrid little creatures! The reason that I need to treat the dogs is that we take them to areas that do have them... but only every couple of months in the summer. What is the best treatment? I thought about tick collars. Do these work or should I just get Advantage or one of those? What would be the best type to get?

Thanks in advance for any help that you may offer.

Re: Ticks

I really like Frontline, it works the best on dogs that have lots of oil in their coats.

Re: Ticks

We use Vectra,the ticks don't need to attach to die.It repells and kills fleas,ticks,mosquitos,biting flies just like Advantix,but costs less!It has worked great for us.

Re: Ticks

Where do you buy Vectra?
Am going to a show this weekend and was going to buy and apply Frontline but if there is something better and maybe safer, I'll get that instead.
Pet store or vet?
Please let me know.

Re: Ticks

I used to use frontline here in ct. but found the preventix collars to be more effective. dogs keep them on all the time, taken off only for showing. the ticks would attach themselves the next day after applying the frontline not so using the collars. and they last for 2-3 months.

Re: Ticks

Thank you everyone for your help! I appreciate the responses.

Re: Ticks

The best to kill ticks are Prevetix collars, but as a preventative, I would use Frontline.

Re: Ticks

Vectra is only available from Veterinarians(Luckily I work for one!).The Preventic collar is my second choice,or if you prefer a topical use Advantix.

Re: Ticks

While frontline works well to kill them Advantix kills and repels fleas and ticks. It is also more effective for a longer amount of time where Frontline loses its effectiveness greatly after about 3 weeks.