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Hi, am new to showing and wondered if I can show same dog in veteran class and open at same show?

Re: Classes?

You could, but you really would not want to. If your dog won one class and lost the other, it would forfeit the right to be in Winners, because it already had been beaten.

Re: Classes?

You could, but you really would not want to. If your dog won one class and lost the other, it would forfeit the right to be in Winners, because it already had been beaten.

Well, that's not correct, as Veterans is a non-regular class and is not eligible for points (usually takes place following Winners, but before Breed). If you are trying to get points on your dog, enter him in Open, but if it's a specialty and he qualifies for veterans, by all means, enter him in veteran sweeps.

If you did enter him in both Open and veterans, you could certainly do that, but I'd guess that unless you went Winners Dog, even if you won the Veterans class, you couldn't show in Breed as your boy had already been defeated.