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Black Labs and Parvo below thread

I see thread from couple of days ago below about the vaccinated dogs with parvo. Just curious, were these black labs? Puppy buyer had fully vaccinated black lab with Parvo at 9 months and their Vet said Black and Tan dogs have been immune to parvo vaccine for years and now crossing to Black Labs. Could this really be true?

Re: Black Labs and Parvo below thread

I thought vaccines are color blind?!

Re: Black Labs and Parvo below thread

The Vet Clinic up North of us who told us that they had seen more cases of Parvo in vaccinated dogs and pups this past year meant in dogs period, not just labradors but mixed breeds. How can a vet tell people that Parvo is very selective to certain colors of Labradors

Some good news about our yellow 5 month old Mika, she is on the mend and has normal stools after her bout with this suspect virus gone wild !!!! Nothing like a Labrador to bounce back in record time, defying all odds. It's amazing how much she has changed since we brought her home from the hospital on Friday. It's as if she has a new appreciation of life. She no longer barks at me to get attention or barks when I put her in her crate at night time or wakes me up at 5:00 am to eat. She's just plain happy to be alive and back with us

Re: Black Labs and Parvo below thread

Also wanted to ask those of you who have kept young pups or young dogs who came down with parvo if you thought it stunted the dog's growth in the end ??

The family who is going to adopt our 5 Month old girl Mika at the end of the month has been talking to her vet and the vet told her that Parvo can cause HEART problems as the dog gets to be older or old as well as STUNT it's growth.

I could see this if the puppy was really young but our girl is 5 months old and though she is significantly smaller than her sister Fergie we have here with us, I cam surprised that Parvo could stunt a dog this age. Any truth to this ?

Mika's new owner is hoping her growth is stunted just because they like her cute petite size verus our 90 Pound Girls that is pretty typical in these lines. Mika got down to 34 pounds during her illness while her sister Fergie weighs a good 50 plus pounds at 5 months old.

Re: Black Labs and Parvo below thread

I'm glad to hear your dog is feeling much better! Our 10 yr old lab cross is a parvo survivor. I can't speak to the growth question but I can tell you that she's got a "touchy" stomach/bowel to this day.

Re: Black Labs and Parvo below thread

Thanks ! What do you feed your 10 yr old Parvo survivor who has the sensative stomche ? That might be good information to pass on to the new family who adopts our girl. I'm feeding my dogs Taste of the Wild, Pacific Salmon right now. Poop is much less and have been happy with it over all. Hopefully this family can keep Mika on it without it causing her problems.

Re: Black Labs and Parvo below thread

Parvo can leave retinal damage and kidney damage.

Re: Black Labs and Parvo below thread

The one that we've found best for her & the rest of the crew is Adult Orijen.