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One puppy eye not opening

I have a litter that is almost 2 weeks old. All the puppies eyes have opened except one puppy that has one eye completely open and normal looking and the other eye completely closed. I don't see any discharge from the eye that isn't open but I am worried about the one completely closed eye. Could this puppy have a problem?

Has any one had this? Any suggestions?

thank you!

Re: One puppy eye not opening

It will be fine. They all open at different times. Give it a day or two. Had a litter than were way over two weeks one time. Yikes, scared me. They opened, all was fine. Never heard of a problem with eyes at that age.

Re: One puppy eye not opening

Yes, I have had this happen too. Few days after the 1st eye opened, the other started. Pup was fine a week later. I would suggest if it does not open in another 3-5 days you contact your vet.

Good Luck

Re: One puppy eye not opening

I had this happen with one pup in my last litter. Called my vet at about 18 days--he said that was not good and the longer it stayed closed, the higher the chance of infection and permanent damage to the eye.

He told me to gently pull the lids apart and get a non-steroidal eye ointment in there twice a day until the eye stayed open on its own. It took about three days of opening the eye, and treating before the eye looked normal.

I would definitely talk to your veterianarian sooner rather than later.


Re: One puppy eye not opening

I am so used to seeing both eyes sort of opening at the same time. It seems abnormal to see one completely open and the other not.

I'm going to cross my fingers for the next couple of days and then go into the vet if I need to.

Thanks for all the help.

Re: One puppy eye not opening

IF it gets infected, you'll see a discharge or you'll see that eye getting big like an abscess would do. If non of this is present, just enjoy natures creativity.

Re: One puppy eye not opening

I have heard (don't remember where) that you should NOT attempt to pull the eyes open, that could be damaging. I'd contact an eye specialist before I'd try pulling an eye open! P.S. I've also had a couple litters that the eyes opened later than normal, and at different rates, one at almost 3 weeks!