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Prayers needed for Dorothy Nickles....

I rreceived this e-mail concerning Mrs. Nickles from a friend today. My prayers have gone out to her and her family.

I Regret to say I have just left the hospital and have been asked by Dr.Steve Keating to tell everyone they are moving her to hospice today and has just days left,
She is 99 ...
She is a Texas Legend, They should make a Movie about her someday and the Gov. of Texas should make sure she is recognized someday for her Fabulous life,
The Fort Worth shows will Never be the same ,
I am Personally grateful to have had her be a part of my Life,
Please pass this along to All the others Lists,
James Hall

Sorry. That should have been a sad face.


Re: Sorry. That should have been a sad face.

Although I am too new (10 years) to know who this apparently great lady is, I send my prayers anyway.
So sorry to hear she is in poor health.