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Today was my first day on this site. As a judge, I was warned not to "look" since the begining. I can understand using code names for the sake of being able to speak without harm, but I do think that many hide behind code names to attack without having to answer or stand behind their comments. A coward can hide behind a name and be a big person, a bigger person, who really has a message should stand behind ther own name....only my opinion.
Has anyone considered doing a "from a judges eye view"? I think it would be interesting and educational to have a forum where judges could speak, but be view &/or answered by others.
As a judge of 26 years, I am sure I have ticked off, somehow insulted (because I did not acknowledge your wonderful dog), been called corrupt, blind, stupid....probably fat. etc.
Does anyone really think that is why people choose to judge. I think the answer, for most, is we love the dogs, we love to touch the dogs, we want to give back to the breed. For me, and I do not think I am alone in this thinking, to have a marvelous animal walk into the ring, something you would LOVE to have, makes your day. I know it makes me happy. The important part is, look at the dog, if you go further up the lead and start questioning yourself, it could spell trouble. Labradors have our heart, I think, and I hope that you would agree most judges go into the ring looking to give their heart.

Re: New to site

Welcome to the forum!I am relatively new to it myself(being computer illiterate for the most part).It is a quite interesting,often disheartening tool for anyone who loves the breed.I admire your honesty.Again,Welcome!

Re: New to site

Wish there were more like you here in Spain! Specially in the Labrador ring where it is always a picnic and the pie is split amongst the buddies and the winners are always known before the show!

Re: New to site

Debra, I watched you judge this past weekend at Winnebago and I thought you did a great job. I also thought you were very kind to dogs and exhibitors alike. I know everyone had a great time at this show. I had nothing to show this year so I had the privilege of watching the judges who all did a great job but had some very tough decisions to make. A lot of nice dogs to choose from.

Wendy McCance

Re: New to site

Wow, thanks for the kind comments. It always makes you feel good when someone has something good to say. There were some tough choices, but I do think it shows that I like each and every dog and want them to have a good experience. It was a real feel good show!

Re: New to site

Welcome to the forum. It gets quite "lively" sometimes, as you've seen, but it is also a great source of information and good place to exchange ideas.

I must say one of my all time favorite chocolate bitches was Fantasy's Scarlett!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA

Re: New to site

WOW, thanks. I have not thought about her in years. I am not even sure I have a photo still. Good memory!
PS I am just learning the smiley face buttons. HA

Re: New to site

Debra McKinley
WOW, thanks. I have not thought about her in years. I am not even sure I have a photo still. Good memory!
PS I am just learning the smiley face buttons. HA

You're quite welcome. I don't remember where I saw her picture at, perhaps in a Lab book, but I can still picture it in my head. Such a lovely outline on that girl.

The picture of the bitch in my avatar is actually her great, great, great granddaughter!

Glad you are having fun here and discovering all the fun features like smileys

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA