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With great sadness I lost my Shayna yesterday. Words can't explain how special she was..... she loved traveling with mom going to all the shows and meeting new friends.... get out of the van to find mom in the ring etc.... the titles that we accomplished together in her younger years are simply priceless.

She was a great dog, family member, and truly my best friend. My kennel is full of her grandkids that I'm blessed to have.

Love you Shayna with all my heart and until we meet again.

Re: Shayna

I'm sorry to hear your loss. It sounds like you and Shayna had a great life together.

Re: Shayna

Oh dear.....That is extremely sad. You were a great Mom and she knew how much you loved her every day. I am so sorry....

Re: Shayna

Dawn, I'm so very sorry to hear this news. Huge hugs from here!

Re: Shayna

Dawn, Sorry to hear about losing your special BFF. You must have alot of years of wonderful memories until you meet again. God Speed Shayna

Re: Shayna

So sorry for your loss, Dawn.

Re: Shayna

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your Shayna, you had many beautiful memories together.Losing a peice of your foundation must be hard, Til you meet again...
Rest in Peace Shayna.

Re: Shayna

Oh - I'm so sorry to hear you lost Shayna. I'll always remember her wandering through the crowds at the specialties - looking for attention and goodies!

Godspeed Shayna

Re: Shayna

Oh dear, this is sad news. I so sorry for your loss , everyone will miss her smiling face.

Re: Shayna

So very sorry Dawn. May your special memories give you comfort.

Re: Shayna

Dawn I am so sorry to hear this. Shayna was a special dog. God speed!!

Re: Shayna

I am so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel, lossing a special friend like your shayna.

May the Lord Bless you always,


Re: Shayna

Dawn - I'm so sorry to read about your loss. That first one is so special - Goodspeed, Shayna.

Re: Shayna

Dawn, I remember meeting you and beautiful Shayna at the Denver Speciality many years ago. I was so impressed by Shayna's personality, beauty, manners, comic side, but mostly her devotion to you.I knew she was your heart dog and soul mate. Those dogs never really pass away, they live on, in our memories and hearts.God bless and keep you.
Godspeed Shayna

Re: Shayna

Dawn, one can see how special Shayna was to you in the photo on your website. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Re: Shayna

Ah Dawn...I'm so very sorry to hear, Shayna, has passed on. I was there at one show where in the ring she came. She was a beautiful, sweet and talented girl.

Godspeed sweet, Shayna

Re: Shayna

So very sorry for your loss :{ It is never easy to loose those special ones

Re: Shayna

I am so sorry to hear about Shayna. I know you will miss her.

Re: Shayna

Dear Dawn,

How blessed you were to know Shayna and have her in your life. I remember well you bringing her by my house years ago...and seeing her in your van at specialties... Everyone should have that "special" dog in their lives. Funny how often it isn't the big specialty winners that touch our hearts, but the ones that teach us so much, that do...

I know she loved and adored you, just as much as you loved and adored her...keep those memories close in your heart. So sorry for your loss and pain.


Leslee Pope

Re: Shayna

I am so sorry Dawn. I know how much it hurts to lose
a part of you.

Re: Shayna

Dawn, words cannot fill the void of your dear Shayna, but please know that we all saw your devotion and love for one another. Your website even says it all! Shayna lived an extrememly long and fullfilling life and all those fond times will replace the tears someday. Until you see each other again, run free Shayna.

Re: Shayna


Having lost my best friend in February, I know how you are feeling. My heartfelt sympathies are with you.


Re: Shayna

So sorry for your loss, there are always those special dogs that have a very special place in our hearts and give us great moments and big sorrow.