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Anyone had any experience with this?

Re: Hyaloral

Do you mean hyaluronic acid supplementation?

Re: Hyaloral

this is part of the composition, plus glucosamine, msm, etc.

Re: Hyaloral

I use Flex A Min product with these components for me (torn meniscus) and for my senior Labs. It has gotten us all mobile, gotten me off crutches and canes, and made me so well that I canceled knee surgery until such time as they can clone my own knee cartilage as a normal thing. I saw a big improvement having a then 13 yr old Lab on this instead of Cosequin. I did rotate the products for her, though. She lived to be 15 and a half years old, when her kidneys were failing too badly to keep her going. (The kidney failure was NOT due to the joint supplement; she had been on some later recalled foods during the melamine contamination of 2006-2007.) She had good joints but age had made her need the supplements. I credit the combination for truly regenerating my knee. I haven't had a repeat MRI to see exactly what happened; I just know the girls and I got more mobile!

Re: Hyaloral

Thank you all for taking the time out to help, I know that this info will help!