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Ranking points

How do you figure your confomation ranking points when your specialing ? For BOB wins and Group wins.

Re: Ranking points

By the number of dogs your dog defeated, dog has to take the breed and gets additional points for the dogs they've defeated in the group... if you go to the AKC website and enter your dogs name or AKC# in the online store and click on the dogs defeated report it will have the number of dogs your dog defeated there.

Re: Ranking points

Thank you Jackie. I didn't realize there was a dogs defeated report in the online store.
So lets say your dog takes Breed over 20 dogs then takes a Group win with 154 defeated dogs, is that a total of 174 ranking points ?

Re: Ranking points

Not if the 20 were included in the group points you mentioned

Re: Ranking points

I am not finding the dogs defeated report. All I see is points received up to receiving champion title.

Re: Ranking points

All breed points

Labradors defeated points

Re: Ranking points

Go to, click on online store button on the left side on the page that comes up click on reports that is highlighted under AKC reports, it will take you to the page where you need to login (you will need to register if you haven't already done so), this takes you to another page where you can click on dogs defeated report icon and you should be able to get it from there.

I am not finding the dogs defeated report. All I see is points received up to receiving champion title.

Re: Ranking points

Found it on the AKC site...thank you !!