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Weird hip/elbow xray finding

I had xrays taken of hips and elbows today for a one year old dog's OFA prelims. Both the hip and elbow of the left side were formed slightly different than the right. Not a bad fit, certainly different than the right side which was excellent. The left looked more oval than round and the Vet said it was very strange but felt it would pass. I'm wondering if anyone has seen this or heard of it before. Is that a malformation that OFA will fail? Vet said if both sides were like the right side he would guess hips excellent and elbows normal but isn't sure what OFA will come back with on the left. I am just biting my nails over this and would appreciate any input. Thanx.

Re: Weird hip/elbow xray finding

The one time I had an x-ray with an oval-shaped elbow, I suggested to my vet at the time that perhaps we should take another x-ray. He snapped that it was the dog, not the x-ray. Sent them in and OFA said to re-shoot. Second x-ray was a normal, round joint.

I no longer go to that vet : )


Re: Weird hip/elbow xray finding

I agree, have them re-done. I had a girl that positioning was off and one hip looked more oval shaped. After being re-done by another vet both hips looked the same with round joint; passed OFA good.