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distressed new born

forgive me for spelling, etc.

8 hours of whelp.

first pup born asspirated and we did good he was breathing thru nose about 3 hours later.

but, cant' get him to nurse. tried kayro, and worked great the first time but than nothing

my goal now is to keep him hydrated till I can get to the vet for sub Q in the a.m.

no ERs near me.

can someone help please.

this is the hardest whelp in 40 years and I truly don't want to lose this choc. boy.

i plan to stay up with him all night long giving drops of boiled/cooled water with kayro added - but each time I give one drop he reverts back to the gasping for air.

and i mean "just" one drop.....

can anyone help. I am so drained but sleeping on the floor all night long next to the whelping box to get this baby thru the night till i can get to my vet.

I have to say he is a strong willed boy, struggles and verbally protests each time I swing him down to aspirate (if you know what I mean). good sign no doubt.



Re: distressed new born

So sorry to hear about your baby. Wish I could help but haven't had that many litters. Have you checked for a cleft palate? As you hold him keep his head lower than his body, you should see some fluid come out of his nose. I wouldn't swing him, they say that is not a good practice with newborns. Keep trying to aspirate him to get all the fluids out.Keep him warm..but I am sure you are doing all these things...Praying he will make it until you can get him to the vets..
So so sorry

Re: distressed new born

Did you check him for cleft palate? It sounds like it. Normal strong hungry puppy, but can't suck?
The most important thing is to keep him warm. Can you get some milk from the mother? that would be the best you can give him. A few CCs would do for now.

I hope it is not it, and that he will do good.

Re: distressed new born

A couple yrs ago we had our first cleft puppy. I got in the habit of not checking for clefts as we had not had one in over 14 years. This boy puppy was not sucking either but was a strong little guy. No fluid was coming out of his nose so I didn't think of a cleft until a couple days later when I noticed his weight was way down compared to his siblings. I opened up his mouth and sure enough, he had a wide trench up there. There is no way he could grasp onto a bottle nipple or mother's teet. You can bet I check every puppy when they are born.
I hope this isn't the case for you and you are able to get your handsome chocolate baby to spring back and start thriving

Re: distressed new born

Did you try liver water instead of just karo? It saves pups, I've seen it myself. If you're breeding 40 years, not near an ER vet I'm sure you have supplies to give subq fluids. Did you try to dispense subq fluids yourself? It sounds like dehydration to me. I hope your puppy is doing better today and you saved him with fluids or drove to the closest ER. Try to update us when you can about your litter. I hope it all went better since your post.

Re: distressed new born

Please DON'T shake or swing your puppy, this dangerous technique is not used any more. Think about it would you want your Dr. to swing or shake your newborn human baby?

Re: distressed new born

Swinging is not recommended anymore. It can cause brain damage. I would use other methods to clear him and get to the vet. I hope he makes it and doubt it's a cleft palate.

Re: distressed new born

thank you all.

no cleft, sub Qs given and did go to the ER. x-rays revealed lung damage.

Unfortunately we lost him at 8:30 this morning.

RIP my sweet, sweet boy.

Re: distressed new born

I'm very sorry to hear this news - hugs from here!

Re: distressed new born

please help
thank you all.

no cleft, sub Qs given and did go to the ER. x-rays revealed lung damage.

Unfortunately we lost him at 8:30 this morning.

RIP my sweet, sweet boy.

Sorry to hear he didn't survive. I wonder why he had lung damage, did the ER vet explain? Godspeed little chocolate boy. I hope the rest of the litter is doing fine at the milk bar.

Re: distressed new born

x-ray showed the aspiration which had done damage.

rest of pups are doing fine thankyou.

Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:


Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:

How many people use those mucous traps ? I got one with this kit I bought last year but didn't want to use it until someone showed me. I've never tube fed and this contraption reminded me of tube feeding geer. I was taught to do the swing method but no longer do it. I use my bulb to suction nose and throat good.

Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:

Those traps are excellent. Anyone that has a litter should have one on hand.

Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:

How do you use them?

Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:

How many people use those mucous traps ? I got one with this kit I bought last year but didn't want to use it until someone showed me. I've never tube fed and this contraption reminded me of tube feeding geer. I was taught to do the swing method but no longer do it. I use my bulb to suction nose and throat good.

I use a Dee Lee suction catheter, they are great. Practice first, try suctioning up a little water you will see how easy it is. You suck in one tube and the other tube goes to what your suctioning. The suctioned material stays in the compartment. WAY better than a suction bulb. Can be reused with washing.

Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:

Susan @ Weymouth


I've seen things like this at the vet's office but they won't sell or order them for breeders. I brought a pup in for a similar problem to the OP's, my vet got all the fluids out with it and the pup did fine on amoxi.

If you don't know how to use it, get to the vet fast, they can suction out those extra fluids. Time is of the essence.

Thank you for the link Susan @ Weymouth. I will order them for my next litter and learn how to use it before.

Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:

Do a search for them you can get them for about $3@.

Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:

Ferris Bueller
Do a search for them you can get them for about $3@.

I found it on the whelpwhise site for that price with exact instructions how to use it.

Re: distressed new born- Dee Lee Mucus Trap:

Ferris Bueller
Do a search for them you can get them for about $3@.

I found it on the whelpwhise site for that price with exact instructions how to use it.

At Whelpwise I see it for $5.25@ ?