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Proof of Ownership

I am purchasing a dog from the USA and when I asked the seller for the ownership documents I was faxed a front and rear copy of the AKC registration where the seller tells me that she will transfer the dog over to me. Can someone tell me if this is correct? Also is this the complete and only Proof of Ownership that exists in America? Thanking all in advance for your help!

Re: Proof of Ownership

Yes that is correct proof, the ACK registration paper is what she will send you. The AKC registration is all that I would be expecting as proof; but I do like to get copies of AKC pedigree, microchip information, shot record and rabies shot certificate before a dog is shipped to me. And if the dog is old enough for clearances, I like to get copies of these also.

Re: Proof of Ownership

USBreeder, yes I know about all of these, the vet records, pedigree etc, and thank you kindly for telling me, but the registration in her name transfered to me in the back side is all I need correct? The registration now is in her name, this means that she is the legal and only owner of the dog correct? TIA!

Re: Proof of Ownership

Yes, that is correct; she is the legal owner and all she has to do is transfer ownership to you by filling out the back of the paper.

Re: Proof of Ownership

US Breeder, thanks again!