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Croup and season?

I have a 10 month old girl who is now day 7 of her first season. Thing is, she had the most beautiful croup, tail coming right off, and now that she's in season, I'm noticing a drop off.

In my 14 years I've never noticed a sloping croup when in season. Do you think that this is a growth thing or that when she is out of season it may go back to what it was?

At a loss here.

Re: Croup and season?

If the croup slopes, it doesnt come back. Dont breed this girl as she will pass this off to her offspring.

Re: Croup and season?

ROFL ok then, thanks.

Re: Croup and season?

I'm laughing right along with you breeder 6709. Funny how all of us as individuals have our own thoughts on breeding. Regarding your girls change in croup/tail area are you sure you are not just looking at her more now that she is in season? Is her tail set really different or is she walking tucked up? You know how some girls are more sensitive than others. I'd have a hard time believing a croup could suddenly change with heat. Saying that, I have seen heads change over night with the first heat, so who knows!!

Re: Croup and season?

If it stays it is what it is. It's hardly a reason to not use her though. There are plenty of nice dogs out there with a a slight croup. On the same note there are a lot of nice dogs out there with great backs that can help her out.