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Blowing Coat and Bald Spots

My bitch is blowing her coat and on her neck/chest there are areas of just undercoat that are coming out in handfuls. There doesn't seem to be any guard hairs in that area, just brownish undercoat that's downy.

Should I brush this out? I think she'll have bald spots if I do. I definitely can't show her like this, but if she ends up with some bald spots, how long until the hair comes back?

She is very healthy so I don't believe this is due to diet or medial issue. She's only 16 months so it's her first really coat blowing.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Re: Blowing Coat and Bald Spots

She's blowing her coat and getting ready to come in season. Nutrition is important now if you want a beautiful new coat in time for the fall shows!!

Re: Blowing Coat and Bald Spots

Interesting. Any suggestions on additional nutrition at this time? I feed pro plan and add Missing Link.

Re: Blowing Coat and Bald Spots

getting ready
She's blowing her coat and getting ready to come in season. Nutrition is important now if you want a beautiful new coat in time for the fall shows!!

My bitches blow coat 4-8 weeks after a heat cycle, never before. Every single bitch of mine does that, not all are from the same lineage.

OP, your girl will put coat back on once she's done blowing it. It's common this time of year. If she's healthy & well nourished as you stated, I wouldn't worry. I agree, she should have a good coat for the fall shows.

Re: Blowing Coat and Bald Spots

My girls always blow when its time for a new coat. Regardless of their seasons. I think they look best between their seasons, usually 2-3 months after they're done. Never their best in season.

Two just started their seasons last week and one is blowing, perhaps its because its been 90 degrees with high humidity this week, and has nothing to do with her being in season.