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NDR - Wireless Service

I would like to go wireless, take my laptop on the road with me. What is the best service to go thru for this? I finally got a "real person" at AT&T only to find out that an Air Card is $60 per month. A bit high for me right now. Any other suggestions out there??

Re: NDR - Wireless Service

I have Verizon and have had there service for 2 years now. It is my only source for internet. I have their broadband connection and recently had to purchase a new USB connector (they aren't cheap either). But I love it because I can take my laptop with me anywhere and get connected where ever my cell phone can get a signal (which in LA is practically everywhere) It's faster than dial up but not any where near the speed of wifi or cable. I have been pleased with the service as I have unlimited usage for $60 a month. I do believe that Verizon has a lower monthly fee for restricted use. Shop around I am sure there are other deals. You might want to check with Cingular too.

Good luck!

Dianne Mullikin, EMT-B
Los Angeles, CA