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MN Judging

How did the judging go in MN today? There was discussion earlier this week on the judging change.

Re: MN Judging

See post below (Anoka/Cambridge).

Re: MN Judging

I would love to hear about this too, because the 2 that I do know:
BOB - CH Ridge View's Magician

BOS - Charm's Wilderness Star Dust

are hardly terrible picks of "someone that doesnt know the breed". Seems like great picks to me.

Re: MN Judging

Would that be BIS, BISS Ch Ridgeview's Magician?

Did the majors hold?

Re: MN Judging

good sportsmanship & cooperation
Would that be BIS, BISS Ch Ridgeview's Magician?


Re: MN Judging

Anyone know if the majors held?

Re: MN Judging

Anyone know if the majors held?

Yes the majors held as in the Anoka/Cambridge thread it stated the WD took a 3pt major from the 6-9mo class.

Re: MN Judging

When I just went out and counted on Onfrio...looks to me the major did not hold. Looks like alot of folks pulled their entry under this sub judge. Interesting how the results were completely different under the "other" judges.

Re: MN Judging

Of course, the winners varied each day--different judges, different dogs, different handlers, different days. Thank heavens for all the variation. WB on both Thursday and Sunday must have been especially thrilled.

Judges are not consistent with one another. So what? Some dogs win each day. And the owners of those dogs are happy with the wins, as they should be.

The pity lies in the people who pulled their dogs and broke the majors if they did so on the basis of anonymous posters. Not only are the majors broken but in the process doubt was cast on the quality of
not only of the winners of these shows but on all the dogs who have won under that judge.

Someone's dog wins. Be happy for them.

Re: MN Judging

I agree with good sportsmanship & cooperation. Many different people got to win over the weekend, which is great to see. Spread the wealth! It was a lot of fun! Some got their second major, others finished and some got singles that were much needed as well. Many congrats went around as lots of people were happy for those who won. I thought everyone came together nicely.

The major did hold on Th. for the 6 - 9 month puppy. I checked with the ring steward after the dogs showed.

The Th. judge did a fine job. But, that is just my opinion. My good friends took WD (6-9 month, Huckleberry's How Do You Like Me Now) that day and I am still thrilled for them. The only thing I can say about the judge is that she likes yellow. I do not have yellow so probably would not show to her if she did judge again. But if I had a nice yellow I would for sure. She picked dogs of good size and substance. Not the more moderate lab, so she seems to have improved on her judging. Would I have preferred to see Terry Stacy, yes, but I think it worked out just fine.

I didn't realize that WB was the same on Th and Sun, and I was there! That finishes Charlene Moser's bitch. Congrats Charlene!!

Re: MN Judging

Call me naive but .... Everyone should remember that if all the judges picked all the same dogs all the time, only those people who owned the winning dogs would continue to go to shows! What would happen to the Majors then?? There wouldn't be any...

Re: MN Judging

I looked at the Onofrio site and counted the dogs. We had 16 on the nose; which is what is needed for a 3 point major.

Way to go Howie! One major down, one to go.