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"She Leaks a bit while sleeping"

Have a puppy buyer asking what could be wrong with their girl. She was spayed at 6 months. Is now two. Said "She Leaks a bit while sleeping" Vet has her on meds.
Anyone been through this. Suggestions?

Re: "She Leaks a bit while sleeping"

Have a puppy buyer asking what could be wrong with their girl. She was spayed at 6 months. Is now two. Said "She Leaks a bit while sleeping" Vet has her on meds.
Anyone been through this. Suggestions?

That isn't uncommon when a bitch is spayed too young. I know there are medications for it, DES for example.

This is a good reason why pet pups should go through 1 season before spay although the vet will fight it. Incontinence is more common in a bitch that is spayed early.

Re: "She Leaks a bit while sleeping"

I spayed my first pet bitch at 6 months before I knew better. She developed incontinence and has been on Proin ever since. Never had any side effects and she just turned 11. I did adjust the medication until I found the right dosage for her. Initially the vet recommended 2 pills a day but I found that one pill every 2-3 days worked well. Recently I have been giving her 1/2 pill every day since she starts to leak a bit otherwise.

Re: "She Leaks a bit while sleeping"

I also use Proin. First on my female (starting when she was about 5 or 6) and then on my male (when he was about 7. He is 15 now). Both were leaking mostly while sleeping. Works extremely well. start with a low dose and then titrate until you get to the right dose. I started at half a tab twice a day and over the years increased the dose when the leaking returned.

Re: "She Leaks a bit while sleeping"