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oops litter

No flames please!!! I have been showing and breeding for over 20 years. I've finished several show champions, always put obedience titles of some kind on my dogs and have dabbled in hunt test, tracking and anything you can do with a lab. I've only bred litters when I've wanted a puppy for myself of course after gaining the proper clearances first - always!! Well.... I have a bitch I bought 2 + years ago (from show ch., cleared parents),she didn't OFA. I currently own 3 other females and 1 male who is less than 1 years old (with prelims good).... Through a series of events, she was bred... I don't know if she in whelp but I'm at a loss as to what to do. My vet says spay her - I refuse, just in case she is in whelp - I have a problem with that. BUT then I have a litter of puppies without clearances. I'm willing to keep every one of them until we can get prelims on them but then what?? Any suggestions would be appreciated...

Re: oops litter

Many years ago the same thing happened to me. I whelped the litter, I also sent them home with a contract, letting all the new owners know that this wasn't a planned litter. I told them that one of the dogs didn't pass their clearances. I wrote the contract with all the same guarantee's on hips and eye's. Not one puppy ended up having a problem.

Re: oops litter

give them away ( or sell at very low price) to good homes on a spay/neuter contract & let owners know full circumstances of breeding....

Re: oops litter

Oh my! Don't GIVE them away!!
They are just as good as any of the breeders pups who breed purposely knowing full well one of the parents didn't pass something!! I can think of MANY!!
You sell them, stand behind them and since HD and ED are 100% unpredictable traits, you rest assured that likely they will all be just fine!

Re: oops litter

Oh my! Don't GIVE them away!!
They are just as good as any of the breeders pups who breed purposely knowing full well one of the parents didn't pass something!! I can think of MANY!!
You sell them, stand behind them and since HD and ED are 100% unpredictable traits, you rest assured that likely they will all be just fine!

And sock away the money you receive from 2 pups and hide it away. In 24 months when nothing's happened with them, buy yourself something nice. And if something DOES happen, you have the money to give back.

Re: oops litter

DO NOT GIVE A PUPPY AWAY, number one. Never give a dog away. You give it no worth to the person who gets it. And it can happen to any of us so don't beat yourself up. I had a young one tye with a female before that I did not plan to breed. Guess, what happened, nothing. It was early or late and just a anxious boy puppy trying out his manhood. If she is have the pups. We all take changes when we breed. We get hips and elbows that don't pass from the parents that do, all the time. Not the worse thing.

Re: oops litter

About 15 years ago, my husband took off jogging down our street with "Abby" his running buddy lab. He looked at her back end and said, "Oh, she's in heat" well...she took off on her own 1/2 way through the run, not to be seen for 4 days. She was further along that we realized (almost newbies back then) We let her whelp, they all came out totally black and all looked like labs. We "sold" them all (10 pups!) by the time they were all 9 weeks old. $150 back then, for each. Dog she was bred to was a black herding type dog. How lucky we were. Never heard back from anyone, they all did fine and everyone loved them. I assume. All were local buyers, we would have definintely heard back if there were problems.

Re: oops litter

**** happens to the best of us.

15 years ago I had a year old female climb up and over kennel fence.
She whelped 10 pups, in 4 hours, best mom in the world.
year later she passed all clearances and 3 of those oops pups have titles in different events.

Dont flame yourself, enjoy your pups, sell them to pet home with a guarantee.

Re: oops litter

I may or maynot have my 1st oops litter(in 29 years)on the way.I got a call from my husband while I was at work that one of the boys had broken out of his crate while he was giving the girls(one in heat of course!)a potty break.He said "I may have some bad news",I knew what was coming after that!He did'nt see a tie,but said the male looked "awfully calm".Both dogs have clearances,but this bitch was intended for an outside male her next heat!

Re: oops litter

Please use the experience as a "lessons learned". Raise the litter, place the pups carefully, and be truthful with future owners. It's not the end of the world and there are folks who would be willing to be loving puppy owners to each of your fuzzy friends. Stuff happens and let's face it . . you have more clearances behind your dogs for generations(mis-mated or not) than dogs being bred at puppy mills.

Re: oops litter

Through a series of events, she was bred... I don't know if she in whelp but I'm at a loss as to what to do. My vet says spay her - I refuse, just in case she is in whelp - I have a problem with that. [/quote

I would spay her depending on how long ago she was bred. If it is less than a month I would go ahead and do it.

Re: oops litter

why would you spay her? She is not in danger of dieing these are not monster pups, just a oops litter.
I would be highly upset at my vet for even suggesting a spay, so uneducated!

Re: oops litter

I would spay her because she doesn't have a reproductive future and will be spayed eventually anyway. Spaying early poses no more risk to the bitch than a regular spay.

Re: oops litter

thats silly. You whelp the litter, raise it and place the pups like any other litter.
I would not be opposed to keeping one myself either if there is something nice!
sheesh, it was an accident and it's done so you make the best of it.
like was said, there are tons of dogs used in programs being bred on purpose with failed clearances!!
sometimes the oops litters turn out to be the BEST litters too!!
I know of several who where mistakes and later to out to be champions!