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Female due tomorrow

I was wondering about my 1st time bred female who is due tommorrow from 1st AI according to Blueknight Whelping Chart? (day 63) My question is she was a 99.8 temp yesterday and 100.4 today with no signs of being ready to deliver???? I am use to other litters coming at 61 and 62 days. This is a new one for me??? She's eating, running and jumping. No discharge and not too swollen a vulva. What is the latest you have had a whelp? Also thinking about caling my Vet to be on standby for Sunday night or Monday for a c section??? I am just terribly worried.......

Re: Female due tomorrow

What were her Progesterone Readings? And when was she bred?

Re: Female due tomorrow

It appears that her first breeding date is not the date she actually conceived. The temp hasn't dropped enough. Personally, with tem readings like that (and you stating she's day 63) I wouldn't be concerned. Sounds more probable that she'd probably whelp somewhere closer to Monday. Why jump on the "c-section" band wagon when you don't have a bitch in distress or even in the beginning stages of labor?

Re: Female due tomorrow

She had her 1st A I Sat. April 18th and 2nd AI on Monday April 20th. She was a 7.6 progesterone on Thursday April 16th. Blueknight says Sat. June 20th due date even though calculations are 63 days today.

Re: Female due tomorrow

Why a C Section?

Re: Female due tomorrow

Did you only do one progesterone? If you did more, p.ease give those numbers too. My calculations say she is overdue.

Re: Female due tomorrow

Just worried and scarred that she will not go into labor after 65 days and wanted to have my Vet on standby. NOT saying I am doing a c-section but after Monday it will be 66 days????

Re: Female due tomorrow

Progesterone's were 2 and last reading was Thurs. April 16th 7.4 prog. First AI was Sat. April 18th.

Re: Female due tomorrow

Did you do an x-ray in the last few days to make sure there are more than a pup or two ? That would be a reason she might not go into labor on time. If there are alot of pups there think I would just let mother nature do her thing. We all get anxious for the girls.

Re: Female due tomorrow

She is very full as well as with nipple growth. Don't usually do xrays. Whats the longest amount of days you've waited on a healthy whelp????????

Re: Female due tomorrow

Breeder too
Did you do an x-ray in the last few days to make sure there are more than a pup or two ? That would be a reason she might not go into labor on time. If there are alot of pups there think I would just let mother nature do her thing. We all get anxious for the girls.

This is what I was thinking too. I had a maiden bitch who delivered on day 59 from the last day she was bred. We did 3 progesterone tests, but once the last once came in at 6.4 we didnt' do another and bred 2 days later and then the next day. We did an xray a few days prior whelping and she was stuffed to the gills with what looked like 10 (got 11).

I'd want to know how many are in there before I started thinking about anything or making any other plans.

Re: Female due tomorrow

I have never gone past 63 days. Hopefully, her temp will drop tonight and things will progress normally. But, if she were mine, I would section her Sat. afternoon if the temp has not dropped and labor still has not started....some breeders have told me they have had bitches whose temp did not drop.

Do you know the whelping history of her dam?

Re: Female due tomorrow

After looking at her Progesterone Results and days of Breedings I would say she is going to whelp Sunday night into Monday morning. By tommorow night(Saturday) into Sunday Morning you should begin to see the drop in temp and hopefully some progression over the night into Monday morning. Most of the time they will refuse food and then begin to do quite a bit of nesting so you still have 24-36 hours until the ball gets rolling. Best of luck with the litter..

To answer your other question if by Monday morning you have already seen the drop in temp but nothing progressing a call into your vet as well as another Progesterone count would be the best.

Re: Female due tomorrow

Hutch's rule of thumb says she is due 63 days from when progesterone hits 5.0 In your case, 7.6 is close enough for you to consider that as good as 5.0 Counting ahead from there, her due date would be yesterday, June 18th.

Re: Female due tomorrow

I agree with being due 63 days from 5.0. I have only had 3 litters but every one of them was born exactly 63 from 5.0 and her last one she only carried 59 days from her first breeding. Good luck and please keep us posted.

Re: Female due tomorrow

So, the last couple posts say she was due yesterday and past due! And another post says she is due Sunday night which would be 63 days from her second breeding date which was June 20th. Am I too late and need to race for a c section or am I too early?

Re: Female due tomorrow

Again, no need to rush in for a section. If she's got a full house, let things progress naturally. Take her temp 2x daily. I bet it will be Sunday - Monday and she probably took on her second insemination.

Re: Female due tomorrow

Just took her temp a couple of hours ago and its a 99.1. I will be on alert tonight and see what happens? Thanks for all your thoughts on this.

Re: Female due tomorrow

The best predictor of whelping date is 65 days from the LH surge. This should be close to, if not the same as, 63 days from Ovulation. You can't go by AI dates, you need to know LH surge or ovulation to correctly determine expected delivery date.
If she ovulated on April 15th it looks like she is 66 days from ovulation today, which is late?? Corrected me if my math is wrong here or if I am off on guessing her ovulation date based on the info. provided, but if not I would be taking her in.

Re: Female due tomorrow

Her last progesterone was April 16 of 5.6. I just checked my paperwork. First AI was 2 days later on April 18. She has just started nesting and panting for the first time........It could be an all nighter?

Re: Female due tomorrow

I am still trying to figure out why you won't xray to see what's in there and what lays ahead, yet you are so eager to cut her open with a c section! Holy smokes, just go and do it already then.

Re: Female due tomorrow

Can you see any fetal movement?
Has she done any nesting at all in the yard in the last couple of days?
Does she have udders or just swollen teats?
Can you get some milk out of those teats?
You say her vulva is not loose and floppy.

Could she be having a false pregnancy?

My bitches have always gone into labor 59-60 days after the first breeding when using any kind of progesterone test.

Re: Female due tomorrow

I have diligently taken temps twice daily and missed the drop as it is not unheard of for the temp to drop and then raise again as the bitch labors. So I would watch behavior closely just in case you missed that drop. And an xray to make sure there are at least two or three puppies is an excellent idea as well.

Re: Female due tomorrow

5.6 on April 16 would put her at June 18. But she most likely hit 5 on April 15 so I would say her due date was June 17

I just had a litter and my girl never dropped below 99deg. Not all do. Small litter (x-rayed) so I was concerned she would not go into labor but she whelped on day 64 from ovulation.

The panting and nesting are good. She is on her way.

Prayers for an uneventful whelp and lots of healthy pups.

Re: Female due tomorrow

Puppies yet???