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Progesterone Numbers

Please give me your opinion on this.
I am the stud owner in this equation.

Maiden Bitch - 2 years old.

Progesterone Monday 3.9
Progesterone Thursday 4.2

Bitch owner would like to breed Saturday and Monday evening. She is pulling another progesterone Monday morning to ensure that she ovulated. We should get the results back a few hours before the breeding is to take place.

Here's what irks me. She asked earlier if she could drive to me. I told her yes even though I prefer shipping but she only lives a few hours away so I didn't want to make a big deal of it.

My agreement says that the stud fee guarantees two collections, but she asked if I would give her a third if her progesterone isn't right. I was very hesitant on the phone and told her that if she wanted to make sure she was covered and wasn't sure of the exact dates to breed that she should call minitube and have boxes and extenders shipped to me. I told her I would collect him twice and she could split each shipment for 4 days of breeding. She did not want to do this.

1st question: Do you think Saturday will be OK for her.

2nd question: How would you react to the request for a third breeding.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

I will give a 3rd breeding to those that request it, as long as there is no expense to myself, and there is not another bitch that needs to be covered. With her being 4.2 on Thursday, I would retest her today, breed Saturday and Monday. As long as today's test shows she ovulated, you should be covered. Especially with a fresh cover.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

That's too early. She could remain at 4.0

Re: Progesterone Numbers

As a stud owner, I try to be accomodating to the bitch owners as possible. First of all, bitches do stall out and ovulate is not the owner's fault. Secondly, I know I am happy that someone thinks my boy is a good match for their girl and hopefully the resulting offspring will be wonderful represenation of their dam/sire. I would have no problem accomodating this request.

Sorry...but if you do not have the empathy, time and patience to deal with this, perhaps you should not stand your boy at public stud.

I have dealt with far to many stud owners over the years that have forgotten the meaning of customer service.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

I have never had one to stall. It sounds like she is moving forward. I think Sat. is fine and again Monday. That should have it. Think I did cover three times once with my stud dog. But its up to you and if you really want the other person to have pups or not. Shipping is so much easier, agree with that.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

I couldn't agree more! And if she wants to drive for a live cover or side by side AI that would be desirable. Being so close it makes sense, and nothing is better than fresh, in my opinion.

As a stud owner, I try to be accomodating to the bitch owners as possible. First of all, bitches do stall out and ovulate is not the owner's fault. Secondly, I know I am happy that someone thinks my boy is a good match for their girl and hopefully the resulting offspring will be wonderful represenation of their dam/sire. I would have no problem accomodating this request.

Sorry...but if you do not have the empathy, time and patience to deal with this, perhaps you should not stand your boy at public stud.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

Since you aren't involving Fedex, I would probably breed on Saturday, just for the heck of it. Do another progesterone on Monday just to make sure it IS over 5, and then base the 2nd breeding on what Monday's results are. If they are far enough along that maybe she DID hit 5 on Friday, breed her again Monday. If she is only around 5 on Monday. I might consider Wed and Fri. If she is coming to you, what difference is a third breeding? If she bitch doesn't get bred, won't you have to do honor a rebreed anyway?

Re: Progesterone Numbers

My God, who are you new breeder?, what's wrong with you?, give her the third collection, what's your problem?, the purpose of using your dog is to get her pregnant, the purpose is not collecting the money of the stud fee and then you don't care if she gets pregnant, you all ready have your money and that's what's important to you, just 2 collections and thats it, what do you think will happen to your dog if you do a third collection, a heart attack???
This is why I hate newbies!!!!!!!!

Re: Progesterone Numbers

I stand a young healthy boy, when we get a bitch in and she hits 5 I will breed her every day for 5 days.
It takes about 90 seconds to collect and we do a side by side AI so no trauma to bitch or dog. Now if I was
covering another bitch at the same time we would not do it that way but we have not failed to settle a bitch yet. My goal is to do what is safe and right for the dogs and the owners that put their bitch in my charge. That may be over kill but we like the results as do the bitch owners. A third collection will in no way harm your boy and should not take but a few minutes. Best of luck!

Re: Progesterone Numbers

Perhaps I should clarify.
She is not driving to my house. We are meeting at a location nearly 40 minutes from my house. She is coming most of the way, but I am actually meeting her.

To all of you who are calling me unaccomodating, you have no freaking clue of the circumstances. The woman in question has a bad back and I even offered to drive my boy the 2 hours to her house both days for $35 a day. I am evaluating another young boy for her and may even show a dog or two for her later.

I suppose what is annoying is that when she mentions me doing her these "favors" she always says she'll pay but I'm afraid I'm being used and she won't come through. If we breed 3 times I will drive 40 X 6 = which is 240 minutes or 4 hours. Does that change some of your judgmental minds?

Re: Progesterone Numbers

My God, who are you new breeder?, what's wrong with you?, give her the third collection, what's your problem?, the purpose of using your dog is to get her pregnant, the purpose is not collecting the money of the stud fee and then you don't care if she gets pregnant, you all ready have your money and that's what's important to you, just 2 collections and thats it, what do you think will happen to your dog if you do a third collection, a heart attack???
This is why I hate newbies!!!!!!!!

My God, who are you??

This is why I hate this forum most of the time. I have been breeding for 10 years but just recently got my first stud and asked this question because I personally think she may not be ready and as a bitch owner I would never ask a stud owner to do the things this woman has asked of me without seriously compensating her.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

Nope...does not change my position. If you offered to do these things then follow through and don't come to a public forum for sympathy.

I have gone above and beyond on several ocassions to help others. I guess that is what I consider being a good human being.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

Nope...does not change my position. If you offered to do these things then follow through and don't come to a public forum for sympathy.

I have gone above and beyond on several ocassions to help others. I guess that is what I consider being a good human being.

Excuse me? I didn't come here for sympathy. I came for opinions.

...and I didn't agree to meet this woman 3 days. I agreed to meet her two days which I am fine with. If she wants the 3rd day she can come to my house.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

Doesn't sound like you want opinions...sounds to me like you have decided what you want to do.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

Well kudos to you! I drive 45 minutes to simply FedEx my shipments, and I've not charged extra of the bitch owners who choose to use my boy.

Why don't you look at this differently, perhaps sit and have dinner with this breeder, get to know them, considering your friendship, Godwilling will last as long as the puppies the two of you will produce.

If this lady is using you, don't let her, otherwise, take the best of the situation and hope one of the dogs you are going to help her show is one of your boy's babies, putting out his good name.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

new breeder
Perhaps I should clarify.
She is not driving to my house. We are meeting at a location nearly 40 minutes from my house. She is coming most of the way, but I am actually meeting her.

To all of you who are calling me unaccomodating, you have no freaking clue of the circumstances. The woman in question has a bad back and I even offered to drive my boy the 2 hours to her house both days for $35 a day. I am evaluating another young boy for her and may even show a dog or two for her later.

I suppose what is annoying is that when she mentions me doing her these "favors" she always says she'll pay but I'm afraid I'm being used and she won't come through. If we breed 3 times I will drive 40 X 6 = which is 240 minutes or 4 hours. Does that change some of your judgmental minds?

NO, it does not change anything, if you have been in labs for 10 years you should know better.
What's wrong with helping her?, and you are afraid she won't pay, money again, if she doesn't come true so what, you did something good to a human being, don't do all the "favors" you are offering for money, poor lady what a mentor she found. You try to put yourself as a saint and you are the devil in person!!

Holy Smokes ..

You ought to try being in the horse business ... what you are outlining is nothing compared to that.

Re: Holy Smokes ..

Poor new breeder, you are doing a lot of favors to this lady that needs help and you are afraid you are been used, I hope you don't end up in a Hospital because of all this terrible things this lady is making you to do, now I'm concern about your health.
God bless you poor dear.. I wish I could meet a lot of people like you...

Re: Progesterone Numbers

I think you better think twice about having a stud dog. You don't sound ready. Some of us do so much for that money. But if we offer our boy we want the girl to have pups. Keep going. Help make it happen or don't take her money at all.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

Who is doing the progesterone testing? Monday 3.9 and Thursday 4.2 is essentially the same and I'd worry that she's plateaued and may never rise.

If I were the bitch owner, I would have pulled another progesterone on Friday, or drive to get one done on Saturday.

If the 4.2ng/mL reading is accurate, the bitch likely didn't ovulate until today, Friday, at the earliest. Optimal breeding would be Sunday through Tuesday.

I would breed her Saturday night or Sunday morning, whatever is most convenient for you both; pull blood on Saturday and if you don't get same day results wait for the results on Monday morning. If it confirms that she ovulated, breed again Monday or Tuesday depending on Saturday's number. If it didn't confirm ovulation, I would pull another progesterone on Monday and figure the Sat/Sun breeding covered you through Monday already and wait until the results are back on Tuesday to decide when to do the next breeding.

Alternatively, find someone with a Premate kit and test her yourselves. Where are you located?

Are you charging a stud fee to this person? A service fee? I would do what you are comfortable doing. Stand up for yourself if you think you are being used. Likely this person has heard about the thread or has read it anyway!

Re: Progesterone Numbers

Are you kidding?, this new breeder saint that has been breeding for 10 years, yeah sure, doesn't belong in this sport, the saint belongs in a Church helping people.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

IMO it is the responsibility of the owner of the bitch to get her to the stud if she doesn't want to ship. You agreed to meet her and it sounds like you are upset because you feel she is taking advantage of you. However, you let this situation get this far by agreeing to meet her. I don't think you'd care about a 3rd service if she was coming to your location. The best thing & sometimes the hardest thing is to say no I won't do that. You can be happy with your decision instead of agreeing to do something you'll regret. Good luck, make the best of it. After all in the big scheme of things this is small stuff.

Re: Progesterone Numbers Question Answered

The progesterone numbers bother is rare that a bitch stalls at those numbers. If they stall, or it becomes a split heat, progesterone numbers tend to jump up and down under 2.0 ng., rarely that close to 5. If I were the bitch owner I would have done another test yesterday, Friday, or today, Sat. -just to confirm numbers are moving up or that the lab did not make a mistake. If I had to breed before a 3rd progesterone test I would do one breeding Sunday,
then do another test Monday gets results on Tuesday and if nec. drive up and do a fresh AI Tuesday after numbers came in. Good luck

Re: Progesterone Numbers

My opinion is if you want this breeding to be successful, do the third breeding. You'll be more than covered this way.

Better to do one extra breeding now to ensure you have covered her than to have to do this all over again with this bitch owner months down the road (assuming you offer a repeat breeding if a miss)

I say this every day in my life with my work: taking the extra time now, can save you tons of time later.

If I were offering a stud dog service, this is just what I would do.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

"I suppose what is annoying is that when she mentions me doing her these "favors" she always says she'll pay but I'm afraid I'm being used and she won't come through. If we breed 3 times I will drive 40 X 6 = which is 240 minutes or 4 hours. Does that change some of your judgmental minds?

I have driven 2.5 hours to pick up a bitch and bring back, so you are saying 40 minutes....
Why not bring the bitch back to your house and keep her there and do the breeding ( 2 or 3) and then call her to come or meet her and bring back.Charge her for the gas if you want.
Also if you are afraid she will not pay, this I do not understand as you would get the money prior to any breeding or at time of breeding.
Or have her send you money thru Paypal right away( or half the money and then when service is rendered the remaining.

gee I have paid stud money months in advance of a breeding or paid when I have drop a bitch off in full, or arranged with the breeder for half now and half later.

I just do not get it.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

if you have made the arrangements to meet her part way for the first two breedings then those actions are yours.

If she wants a third breeding, just tell her it will be fine but she will have to come to your house or pay for shipping chilled.

Re: Progesterone Numbers

The new breeder that has been in labs for "10 years" came to the forum for simpaty, didn't get it, on the contrary, HAS DISAPPEARED.