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Potomac photos on CD

If you go to Tamara the European photographer who came to the Potomac has now put all three days of the Potomac on 3CD which you can obtain for a very reasonable price. I for one have already ordered mine because I have unfortunately learned a hard lesson that the friends we expect to see there every year don't always make it back. I was thrilled to be able to have the whole show on CDs which includes not only stud dogs and their puppies throughout the show but also friends sitting in the gallery watching the show. So just thought I would share. If you go to the site click on dog shows at the top of the home page and that will take you to the Potomac as well as all the other shows she has shot recently.
Judy Heim

Re: Potomac photos on CD

Tamara took some gorgeous pictures. I orders some, and they are BEAUTIFUL. She's got talent, when it comes to taking pictures.

Her prices are very reasonable for the quality.

Re: Potomac photos on CD

Just for you to think about......
Why not propose Tamara as the official photographer of this show on 2010 ???
What you think about?
Also, why not get a video professional to record the hole show as well?
Let's think about it.

Re: Potomac photos on CD

Anythings gotta be better than the usual photographer! Unpleasant and crummy photos!

Paulo Cimerman
Just for you to think about......
Why not propose Tamara as the official photographer of this show on 2010 ???
What you think about?
Also, why not get a video professional to record the hole show as well?
Let's think about it.

Re: Potomac photos on CD

Paulo Cimerman
Just for you to think about......
Why not propose Tamara as the official photographer of this show on 2010 ???
What you think about?
Also, why not get a video professional to record the hole show as well?
Let's think about it.

A video of the whole show would be fantastic, but I think it would be cost prohibitive. Don't forget that there are 3 rings going at a time so that would mean a minimum of 4 camera operators (allowing for meal breaks etc for camera operators) plus I think you will find that the editing costs will shock. It is a really time consuming exercise. The voice over person is also really important as ideally they would be involved with Labs so that they would be familiar with the pronunciation of the various kennel names and some of the dog's names.

When we held the Labrador National (Australia) here in Perth, Western Australia, we were quoted approx $8500 (US) by the film company for the editing and our show was held on 1 day with only 1 ring for conformation.

Re: Potomac photos on CD

Tamara's pictures were great - I purchased some for my website. There was also a person in Russia who took quite a few - forget name and website info but it was on the Forum - and they were lovely as well. They let me use the photos of my dogs on my website no charge ...

Agree regular guy was grumpy and the pics were not nice at all (at least mine weren't!)

Re: Potomac photos on CD

Everyone is singing Tamara's praises right now - and rightly so. But if you want to watch people start to trash her just make her the official show photographer. I wouldn't take that job for all the money on earth.