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Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Does anyone have that EIC list that a Cathy was nice enough to add data from other breeders who had EIC tested their dogs ? I had it but now I can't find that url anywhere. Thanks !

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Cathy started a list, but after I sent her my dogs she quit updating the list. She hasn't added any dogs since May 24th so maybe she has dropped her good idea. Too bad !

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Here is the link...

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Thanks so much !!

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

You are welcome!

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

That's too bad. I found out at the list that I have a descendant of a carrier, and it made me order the kits right away. I'm sure a lot of people was in the same spot.
I hope she or someone else keeps it up. It's better to know what you got, and breed for health

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

You could of course try LABRADATA which has been in operation for a number of years and has a comprehensive list of whatever clearances you may wish to view

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Yeah, but you don't have to scan all that stuff in and spend an hour per dog getting all the stuff added. Labradata is an interesting idea, but it's just too dam* time-consuming to add a dog!

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Yeah but...
Yeah, but you don't have to scan all that stuff in and spend an hour per dog getting all the stuff added. Labradata is an interesting idea, but it's just too dam* time-consuming to add a dog!

Yeah, but if you are too bloody lazy to spend a little time to assist in the health and well being of the breed you are involved in no doubt for "the betterment" of the breed then I think you have these dogs for the wrong reasons or is it just that you want someone else to do all the work?

Did you take the opportunity to express this view to Labradata when submissions were invited over the past few weeks or is it just easier to criticise without actually adding anything useful to this thread or to Labradata?

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Olivia - you and Maureen are definitely two peas in a pod!

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Olivia Nankivell
Yeah but...
Yeah, but you don't have to scan all that stuff in and spend an hour per dog getting all the stuff added. Labradata is an interesting idea, but it's just too dam* time-consuming to add a dog!

Yeah, but if you are too bloody lazy to spend a little time to assist in the health and well being of the breed you are involved in no doubt for "the betterment" of the breed then I think you have these dogs for the wrong reasons or is it just that you want someone else to do all the work?

Did you take the opportunity to express this view to Labradata when submissions were invited over the past few weeks or is it just easier to criticise without actually adding anything useful to this thread or to Labradata?

Last time I saw someone on this forum try and tell Labradata how they felt, they were called lazy among other things.

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Yeah but...
Olivia - you and Maureen are definitely two peas in a pod!

Why thank you, I take that as an an undeserved compliment. I wish I had half her knowledge, intelligence and drive in the pursuit of knowledge.

That aside, what does Maureen have to do with this particular thread? You are the first to mention her name

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Well, there are all sorts of ways to find information on the internet. Unfortunately, not all of them are accurate or verified. If I just want general info and accuracy isn't vital, I just do a Google search or look at the various pedigree databases. Then from there I can verify the info through AKC, OFA or the breeders' websites. That can take a lot of time. That is one of the reasons I was fascinated with LabraData. In order to have the info listed, it must be verified. So, I know that whatever I find there is correct. ie: name spellings, titles, health clearnces. Also, LabraData will list titles from all the different registries like UKC and AKC. They also list all the different health clearances without having to pay an additional $15 fee (like OFA charges). It could be a very useful database if more people would take the initial time to get their dogs entered. The only thing that has to be scanned at first is the dog's registration. That is only to make sure the submitter actually owns the dog in question. Then you submit the titles and clearances as your dog gets them. I just uploaded a new title for one of mine yesterday. It took me less than 2 minutes to scan it and upload it. You don't even need to upload AKC titles or OFA certificates if you don't want to. That info can be verified from the AKC and OFA sites when the dog is entered by the data operators. That is how the info is added for dogs who were entered as part of a pedigree. Like my dogs' parents and grandparents.

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Your comment is downright rude! There are many us that have been in this breed 20+ years that have sacrificed money and time for the betterment of the breed. Most of us have jobs, children, husbands trying to balance everything. I also thought about adding the clearances of my dogs to the Labradata list, but when I saw how long it would take (and I'm not the quickest at computers) I changed my mind. How many litters have you bred that have given you the knowledge and have allowed you to assist in the betterment of the breed? Do you think Labradata will save you from all the problems in the breed and make you invincible? Do you think your breeder friends will disclose all the problems in their lines. Guess again? It takes years of trial and error, blood, sweat, tears and still new problems crop up. Good luck, I hope it works for you and next time, don't judge others!

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

If someone can point me in the direction of contacting Cathy personally . . . I'd be happy to take over the list and add it to my website.

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

Your comment is downright rude! There are many us that have been in this breed 20+ years that have sacrificed money and time for the betterment of the breed. Most of us have jobs, children, husbands trying to balance everything. I also thought about adding the clearances of my dogs to the Labradata list, but when I saw how long it would take (and I'm not the quickest at computers) I changed my mind. How many litters have you bred that have given you the knowledge and have allowed you to assist in the betterment of the breed? Do you think Labradata will save you from all the problems in the breed and make you invincible? Do you think your breeder friends will disclose all the problems in their lines. Guess again? It takes years of trial and error, blood, sweat, tears and still new problems crop up. Good luck, I hope it works for you and next time, don't judge others!

I assume you are addressing me when you make the accusation of being rude. I don't really know since you have not identified your target. lol

Firstly I must apologise for my "bloody lazy" comment. It was not meant to be confrontational and certainly wouldn't be taken as such here in Oz. We have a different take on the way comments are delivered here and my comment would have been read as a throw away expression not a criticism.

My involvement with Labradors began in 1975 and I bred my first litter in 1978. I then purchased a bitch from a litter imported in dam from England.

My second litter produced a Best in Group and multi class winner at specialty shows.

Over the years I have bred a number of litters, my third Labrador litter produced a multi best in group winner who was also the number 1 Labrador bitch in Western Australia. This litter also produced a male who was a BISS & a RUBISS winner. A third litter mate was also a Runner up BIS winner all breeds, These three became champions very quickly. A fourth litter mate produced a Number 1 Labrador male who was a Multiple BISS winner and his litter sister wo was also a multi BISS winner.

I was also a very successful breeder of Maltese for over 25 years.

Between the two breeds I have bred some 30 or so champions and handled very successfully several breeds to their championship.

I owned and ran a very successful boarding kennel for many years with the help of my parents, but ceased boarding when my father died in 1991.

I am now a full time carer (Since 1999) for my dasabled mother.

I still have a few Labradors and am looking forward to restarting my breeding program later this year or early next year.

I have been very lucky to have had very healty, sound Labradors for all these years and now thanks to the hard working people a Labradata I am able to look forward to continuing this with the luxury of being able to find out a lot of information on line.

I am not arrogant enough to think that I am going to "better the breed" 'cos I think it was pretty darned good to start with. My hope is that I don't leave it any worse off.

Oh and during my spare time, I have been a licensed judge for all toy breeds and also all gundog breeds.

I have judged in most states of Australia and have been invited back so I guess I have done a reasonable job of that as well.

I hope this is of assistance in you being able to decide where I fit in picture of Labrador breeders.

I don't think Labradata or any othe data base will make me immune from all the problems, and it certainly won't make me invincible. The fact that the information on Labrata is verified makes it a most valuable tool which hopefully will assist me to make the right decisions.

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

So , allow me to get this all straight in my head....the place that new breeders "shop" for stud dogs are those clearance lists ???

Have I missed something here?

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

I haven't given up. I had a business trip in the middle and had to catch up on life when I got back. Remember it is a volunteer project.

I'm updating the site later today and will be back to actively processing the new dogs after that.

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

THANK YOU Cathy!!!

this is a GREAT potential resource for everyone!

Of course.........New OR Old Breeders should never base their decisions on one "puzzle piece", all the clearances in the world can't make up for poor structure or temperament.

Again..... I appreciate the ease of finding out as much as possible about a particular dog AND those in the pedigree and these sites make that possible.

Re: Can't find that link for EIC tested Labradors ...

I put them up on the OFA site and LabraData. Not too hard :)