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Re: Bowling? Who won ?

okay, did ya all have fun at bowling? Who won?
Hope you kept an eye and F. and T. - I hear they
cheat LOL LOL LOL only kidding :)

Re: Bowling? Who won ?

They do cheat, they were setting up their competition before they went!! I bet that bowling lane food tasted pretty good by the time they ate!!

Re: Bowling? Who won ?

okay, we want scores!!!

Re: Bowling? Who won ?

Unfortunately they did not get to go bowling, it was closed for remodeling,
But there was a lot of drinking and singing at dinner with lots of laughs!!!

Wish I would have been there! Me and "F" are going to have to get together
at Potomac for some Karaoke!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Bowling? Who won ?

Better hurry. I drove to the supermarket last week, which takes me by the bowling alley. To my great surprise, all that was left was an enormous pile of rubble, topped by a couple of huge arches. The roller rink went the same way last year and both have been here since I was a kid.

Re: Bowling? Who won ?

Oh' Now roller-skating would have been very interesting!

Can you imagine that crowed roller -skating!!!!!!!